
  • 网络Not working today;Kyowa Kaisha Yasumimasu
  1. 你介意我今天不上班吗?

    Do you mind if I stay out of work today ?

  2. 我每天六点钟刷牙。他今天不上班。

    At six o'clock every day I brush my teeth .

  3. 我今天不上班,因为我感觉不舒服。

    I 'm off from work today , because I 'm not feeling well .

  4. 难怪一个人找不到,原来今天不上班。

    No wonder no one 's here – it 's not a working day !

  5. 小梁今天不来上班了。

    Xiao Liang isn 't coming to work today .

  6. 甲:我头痛的很厉害,今天我不上班了。

    I have a terrible headache and will be absent from the office today .

  7. 今天我不上班,你才是要上班的那个

    It 's my day off . You 're the one with the job .

  8. 你今天不必上班,对不对?

    You haven 't got to go to the office today , have you ?

  9. 我今天不去上班。

    I 'm not going to work today .

  10. 如果莎莉今天不来上班,她就会被炒掉。

    ex : If Sally doesn 't show up to work today , she will lose her job .

  11. 今天没我不上班你呢

    I guess it 's my day off . What about you ?

  12. 亲爱的,我忘记了今天银行是不上班的。

    Oh dear ! It had slipped my mind that the banks were closed today .

  13. 哈默德:这是你今天留在家不上班的好理由。

    Hamed : That 's a good reason for you to stay home from work today .

  14. 约翰打来电话说,他头痛得厉害,今天就不来上班了。

    John phoned to say he has a splitting headache and won 't be coming to work today .

  15. 约翰尼今天不打算来上班了;他打电话来说他感到不大舒服。

    Johnny is not coming to the office today ; he phoned to say that he is feeling somewhere under the weather .

  16. 请打电话给办公室,告诉他们我因为身体不太舒服,所以今天我不去上班。

    Please phone the office and tell them I won 't be at work today because I 'm feeling out of sorts .

  17. 当我回到家中,家里新来的清洁工问我今天是不是不必上班。

    When I got home , a cleaning staff asked me if I was not working for that day .