
cónɡ quán lì
  • From rights;secondary right
  1. 全球治理既是规范的(normative)又是经验的(empirical):规范是从权利出发对实现理想国际秩序的追求,它由一些共同的价值构成;

    Global governance is both normative and empirical : the norm refers to the pursuit of ideal international order based on rights , which is composed of some common values ;

  2. 从权利的内涵看法的价值

    Expounding on the value of law from the connotation of human rights

  3. 从权利渊源来看,它得利于国王授予的特许权。

    Another is its right source that was granted from the king .

  4. 从权利的角度解读宪政的基本要义

    Comprehending basic meaning of constitutionalism from the viewpoint of right

  5. 从权利平等到社会平等的超越

    The Transcendence from Equality of Right to Social Equality

  6. 从权利公民到责任公民&当代西方公民教育理念的嬗变

    From Citizen of Rights to Citizen of Responsibility

  7. 从权利与义务谈民族地区的义务教育

    On the Compulsory Education in the Areas of Minorities from the Rights and Duties

  8. 从权利义务角度完善证人作证制度

    How to Perfect the System of Witnessing from the Angle of Rights and Obligations

  9. 第二、从权利分析范式到法律关系分析范式的转变。

    Second , change from the paradigm of the right to legal relations of paradigm .

  10. 从权利能力到道德能力

    From Right Capacity to Moral Ability

  11. 从权利义务角度看,市场准入意味着一种准入机会和准入承诺;

    Seen from the angle of right and duty , market access means opportunity and promise ;

  12. 从权利的构成要素看工会权利的实现与保障

    The Essential components of Rights : A Perspective on Realizing and Ensuring the Rights of Trade Unions

  13. 从权利平等到机会均等&新中国教育公平的轨迹

    From Equality of Right to Equality of Opportunity : the Slot of Educational Equity in New China

  14. 更多的脚步从权利听,而且在调和中,每个人在他们的方向中转向。

    More footsteps sounded from the right , and in unison , everyone turned in their direction .

  15. 从权利到行为

    From Right to Behavior

  16. 试论普法工作的目标转向&从权利意识的角度分析

    Tentative Discussion on the Target Diversion of the Legal Popularization Work & Analysis from the Perspective of Right Awareness

  17. 抵押权的效力原则上及于抵押物的附合物、从权利,对从物则宜区分情形。在采取抵押权次序升进原则的情况下,应当承认所有人抵押。

    Distinguish the differen condition for the accessory thing , admit owner mortgage under the principle of order updating .

  18. 本文从权利的视角考察了权力的来源、性质及运作方式。

    On the basis of right , this article discusses the source , nature and operating mode of power .

  19. 从权利救济的理论分析,设立行政公诉的主要目的是为维护社会公共利益的需要;

    The mainly purpose of administrative public prosecution is to protect commonweal as viewed from theory of remedy of right .

  20. 但是,从权利被侵害之日起超过二十年的,人民法院不予保护。

    However , the people 's court shall not protect his rights if 20 years have passed since the infringement .

  21. 从权利的角度看无罪推定与如实回答义务之矛盾

    Discussion on the Contradiction Between " Presumption of Innocence " and " True Answer " On the Angle of Human Right

  22. 第一种是规范性维度,从权利的合法性入手,在实在法框架内讨论权利问题。

    In normative dimension , the issue of right is argued according to the existing regulations on the basis of legitimacy .

  23. 研究思路是从权利到管理,从宏观到微观,从静态到动态。

    Research path is from the right to the management , from the macro to the micro , from static to dynamic .

  24. 对自然权利观念建立的合理性和可能性应当从权利概念的本质性含义着手,并且立足于现实的人类生活世界来加以探讨。

    The rationality and probability of natural right should be discussed from the essence of right and based on the real life .

  25. 本文导论从权利的概念出发,指出法律之力和受法律保护的利益是权利不可缺少的两要素,权利就是运用法律对利益进行配置。

    From the start of concept of right , the thesis indicates that the law and interests are indispensable to the right .

  26. 从权利救济的视角言,侠的历史在场与公力救济自身的缺陷是紧密相连的。

    From the perspective of right remedy , presentation of chivalry in history is closely linked with the defects of the public remedy .

  27. 企业社会责任的提出和实施,是全球化下企业人力资源管理和劳动关系管理的有机结合,并从权利义务对等、利益相关者等角度对中国人本管理理念进行一定的补充。

    The advance and implement of CSR is the organic combination of human resource management and labor relation management in enterprises under globalization .

  28. 首先,从权利与义务的视角考察,论述了义务教育补偿是个人的权利和国家的强制义务相结合。

    First , from the right-obligation visual angle , the compensation for the compulsory education combines the individual rights with the national compulsory obligation ;

  29. 这也论证了权利与责任的内在一致性,提倡从权利话语到责任话语的重构。

    Meanwhile it demonstrates the internal consistency of the rights and duties , and also advocates the reform from the rights-talk to the duties-talk .

  30. 译名权为一项民事权利,是一项独立的标表型人格权,是姓名权之从权利。

    The right to translated name is one kind of civil law rights , is one kind of independent tables of type personality right .