
  1. 这台名为“Mr.GoPizza”的红色自动贩卖机上有四种不同的披萨饼可供食客选择,售价从约35元到46元不等。

    Buyers using the flaming red " Mr. Go Pizza " machine can choose from four different kinds of pizzas costing from 4.50 to 6 euros ( $ 5.2-7.2 ) .

  2. Ⅱ带所处的湖环境,从约4000calBP直至隋唐温暖期之前,历时约2700年。

    Zone ⅳ started around 4696 cal BP ; the lagoonal environment in which zone ⅱ was located lasted for ~ 2700 years , from 4000 cal BP till before the warm period of the Sui-Tang dynasties .

  3. 阿卜杜拉29岁的哥哥艾哈迈德(Ahmad)说,阿卜杜拉从约两个月前做完手术以来减了近50磅。

    Abdullah has lost close to 50 pounds since his surgery about two months ago , according to his 29-year-old brother , Ahmad .

  4. 距加热器约1m的区域,其孔隙水压从约1MPa增高到4MPa。

    In the heated region at distance about 1 m to the heater , the pore water pressure increased from about 1 MPa to 4 MPa .

  5. 他们从约8000英尺高空中的飞机上跳了下来。

    They jump from the plane at about eight thousand feet .

  6. 随频率增加,相、群速度从约0.03cpm(33.33min)开始分离,且群速度值下降更快。

    And with the increasing of frequency , group speed drops more quickly .

  7. 随着时间的增加,氧含量从约3%增加到8.2%。

    The oxygen content increased from raw 1.25 % to 8.2 % with increasing the acid-treatment time .

  8. 计划关闭部分邮政所,其数量从约三万两千所消减掉3653所。

    It is planning to close post offices ; up to 3653 , out of about 32000 .

  9. 这意味着每个国家都将把核武器的数量从约6000枚削减到1700枚。

    That would mean a reduction for each side from about six-thousand nuclear weapons now to as few as 1,700 .

  10. 它计划将自身零售店铺的销售额占比,从约三分之一提高至50%。

    It plans to increase the proportion of sales from its own retail stores from about one-third to about half .

  11. 杰克逊在去世前正在努力把自己从约5亿美元的负债中拯救出来。

    At the time of his death , he was attempting to dig himself out of about $ 500 million in debt .

  12. 具有真实属性的臀部植入物能够将人体第一竖直自然频率从约12赫兹降到5.5赫兹,与文献相符。

    Incorporation of the buttocks withrealistic properties diminished the first vertical natural frequency from ~ 12to 5.5 Hz , in agreement with the literature .

  13. 所以我从约但地,从黑门岭,从米萨山,记念你。

    My soul is downcast within me ; therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan , the heights of Hermon-from Mount Mizar .

  14. 在同一时期,最大政党的议会席位份额从约80%跌至仅有四分之一强。

    At the same time , the single largest party 's share of parliamentary seats has fallen from about 80 per cent to just over a quarter .

  15. 首先你需要从约25道菜中进行选择,然后它们会被摆到你的台子前面。

    There are about 25 dishes of food from which you make your selection before sitting at the counter , where your food is brought to you .

  16. 美国男性就业率从约73%降至69%为自1948年开始记录以来的最低水平。

    The proportion of men in the US with jobs has fallen from about 73 per cent to 69 per cent the lowest since records began in 1948 .

  17. 根据你的爱车类型不同你的火花塞的更换周期从约一年到十年不等。

    Depending upon the vehicle you drive , your spark plugs may need to be changed as often as yearly or as rarely as once a decade or so .

  18. 在卤煮、腌制和烘制过程中,卤蛋蛋白、蛋黄中水分不断降低,分别从约84%和50%降低至约79%和47%。

    During the processing of boiling , marinating and drying , water content in egg white and yolk decreased gradually from about 84 % and 50 % to 79 % and 47 % .

  19. 英国在1986年至最近一次人口普查之间,至少有一名成员超过55岁的家庭占比从约38%升至了43%。

    In the UK , the percentage of households headed by a person aged 55 or over rose from roughly 38 per cent in 1986 to 43 per cent at the last census .

  20. 此后诺瓦克曾说,该公司旗下在华餐厅的年均销售额从约130万美元增至180万美元,并且新开了2000家餐厅。

    Since then , Mr. Novak said , the average annual sales at its restaurants in China went from about $ 1.3 million to $ 1.8 million and 2000 new restaurants have been opened .

  21. 面临这种创造性破坏,他指出,标准普尔(S&P)指数成分股公司的平均寿命已经从约60年降至18年。

    In the face of such creative destruction , he notes , the average lifespan of a corporation listed on the S & P index has already dropped from about 60 years to 18 .

  22. 路四1耶稣满有圣灵,从约但河回来,在旷野为那灵引导,四十天受魔鬼的试诱。

    Lk . 4:1 And Jesus , full of the Holy Spirit , returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness , while being tempted for forty days by the devil .

  23. 乃是从约但河东起,攻击基列全地,就是迦得人、流便人、玛拿西人之地,从靠近亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥起,包括基列和巴珊。

    From the Jordan eastward , all the land of gilead , the gadites , the reubenites , and the manassites , from aroer , which is by the valley of arnon , both Gilead and bashan .

  24. 参与这项交易的银行家表示,由于过去1年中东航上海A股价格大幅冲高,购入东航20%至25%股权的拟议收购价格已从约5亿美元,升至逾8亿美元。

    Bankers involved in the deal said the proposed price for a 20-25 per cent stake in the carrier had increased from an estimated $ 500m to more than $ 800m in the past year , thanks to a big spike in the company 's Shanghai-listed share price .

  25. 他从不食言,他从不爽约。

    He never breaks his words .

  26. 试论传统侗族法文化的特点&从款约关于偷盗的规定展开

    The Feature of tradition Dong minority Law Culture : Based on the Regulations Governing thefts and Burglaries of Kuan Clause

  27. 提出约简质量的定义,从属性约简率和近似质量两方面来衡量约简效果。

    The attribute reduction quality , which includes reduction ratio and approximate quality , is defined to scale the reduction effectiveness .

  28. 如果政策不变,到2050年,所有欧盟成员国债务在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占比例,将从目前的约60%升至近200%。

    Without policy change , the average debt to gross domestic product ratio of all EU members will rise from about 60 per cent to almost 200 per cent in 2050 .

  29. 诺基亚威胁称,如果ETSI接受苹果的设计方案,诺基亚将从ETSI撤回约50项与SIM卡相关的专利授权。

    It has threatened to withdraw around 50 Sim card-related patents from ETSI if the Apple proposal is approved .

  30. 通过研究发现,联邦德国对NPT的遵守经历了一个从强制遵约到自主遵约的演变过程。

    After the research we find , Germany comply with the NPT has experienced a process which evolved from enforcement compliance to self-compliance .