
  • 网络Warehousing Operations;WMS;Warehousing and Storage Activities;WIMS
  1. 在此基础上,构建业务流程二维表数据模型,应用ABC法对仓储作业成本进行定性分析,并构建定量模型求解资源作业效率、资源成本及标准化的作业任务量等关键参数。

    Then a comprehensive application of ABC method has been made up for an in-depth analysis of warehousing activity cost . The research conducts further models to solve resource-efficiency , resource-costing as well as standardization model of the amount of task .

  2. 自动仓储作业信息管理系统研究与开发

    Research and Development of Management Information System of Automated Storage and Retrieval System

  3. 基于订单总拖期的仓储作业调度建模与优化

    Modeling and Optimization on Operation Scheduling with Total Tardiness Objective for a Storage System

  4. 并就如何降低作为物流系统基本活动的运输、仓储作业中的物流成本,使物流过程更趋合理进行探讨;

    It discussed how to reduce the flow cost of transport and storage in order to rationalize the material flow process .

  5. 在现代信息化的物流仓储作业现场,工作人员一般使用手持数据终端完成货物信息的采集、处理、传输等操作。

    In the modern logistics jobsite , workers generally use hand-hold data terminal to complete cargo information collection , processing , transmission and other operations .

  6. 从事仓储作业的人员应在熟知仓储物资与商品的物理、化学等特性的基础上,对其进行安全合理的分区与堆、码、苫、垫等作业。

    Firstly , workers should know the characteristics of the warehouse material , such as physics , chemistry etc , and stack , straw and pad properly .

  7. 港口的生产能力包括收发货作业、仓储作业、装卸作业、船舶作业等的多路流程,如何组织这些多路流程的作业在港口高效率、低成本地运作是港口货运组织的职责所在。

    The production abilities of port are made by multiple processes which including tasks of receiving and dispatching goods , warehousing and storage , loading and unloading , Ship productivity .

  8. 上层规划从决策者的角度出发,通过考虑物流节点布局与运输作业、仓储作业成本间的关系,使广义物流总费用最小;

    The upper level problem is to minimize the generalized logistics ' total cost from the terms of decision makers by taking account of the relationships of the logistics points layout , the transport cost and the storage cost .

  9. 仓储拣选作业路径VRP模型设计与应用

    Design and Application of Picking VRP Model in Warehouse

  10. 仓储业作业危害因素分析

    The Analysis on the Dangerous and Harmful Factors of Warehouse Industry

  11. 基于精益管理思想的仓储中心作业优化

    Optimization of Warehouse Center Operations Based on Toyota Production System

  12. 本文针对仓储管理作业、经营监控两个配送中心作业流程中的重要环节进行研究,主要包括储位分配决策和经营监控的决策分析两个方面。

    The storage manage work 、 supervision and control of manage were studied in this paper , which are two important links in the delivery process of distribution centers , it mainly includes two aspects : store-space assignment decision-making and decision-making analysis of supervision and control of manage .

  13. 仓储与配送作业智能决策系统研究

    Research on Storage and Delivery Operation DSS

  14. 在中化南通公司这样的典型仓储企业实施作业成本法,需要根据仓储企业特点预先设定有针对性的实施方案。

    As a typical warehousing business , Sinochem Nantong should design a targeted program before implementation , in accordance with the characteristics of business .

  15. 只有不断开发应用军事仓储高新技术,才能提高仓储作业效率,改善仓储作业条件,提高仓储资源利用率。

    The only way to improve the storage efficiency , operation condition and resource utilization is to continuously develop advanced technology of martial storage .