
  • 网络white scour of piglets;pig scour;white Scourofpiglets;white diarrhea
  1. 复方磺胺二甲嘧啶片对仔猪白痢的疗效试验

    Clinical effects testing of compound sulfadimidine tablets on treating white scour of piglets

  2. 关于相对湿度定义的探讨相对湿度与节能仔猪白痢发病率与气温、降雨量以及相对湿度的关系

    The Relationship of Incidence of White Scour of Piglets Between Air-temperature , Rainfall precipitation and Relative Humidity

  3. 氦氖激光穴位照射治疗仔猪白痢初报

    A preliminary report on the treatment of piglet scours by He-Ne laser irradiation of acupuncture points

  4. 观察了中药“炎康”注射液治疗仔猪白痢病的效果以及该药的安全性和体外抑菌作用。

    The efficacy for pig scour , safety and bacteriostasis in vitro were observed in Chinese herbal medicine named as Yankang injection .

  5. 母猪喂服中药白痢散对仔猪白痢病的防治试验

    Effects of feeding Chinese traditional herbal medicines " Bailisan " to lactating sows on prevention and treatment of white scour of piglets

  6. 本试验采取1×2+1设计对全天然海洋壳类生物的壳提取物DG对防止仔猪黄白痢及促进生长效果进行了研究。

    A 1 × 2 + 1 design was used to determine the efficacy of Korean marine natural biological extract DG in preventing yellow and white diarrhea and promoting growth in piglets .

  7. 仔猪黄白痢发病原因及综合防治

    The Pathogeny and Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment of Piglet 's Yellow-white Dysentery

  8. 内服盐酸环丙沙星糊剂治疗仔猪黄白痢的研究

    Research on Paste Ciprofloxacin Treatment to Yellow and White Scours of New Born Piglets

  9. 仔猪黄白痢综合预防技术的初步应用

    The Tentative Application of Comprehensive Prevention Technology of Yellow and White Diarrhea of Piglet

  10. 控制好仔猪黄白痢病,是提高仔猪成活率的关键。

    Controlling piglets Huang pullorum disease is the key to improve the survival rate of piglets .

  11. 增效硫酸多黏菌素口服液治疗仔猪黄白痢临床试验

    Clinical trials of efficiency sulfuric acid colistin oral on controlling yellow and white scour of piglet

  12. 仔猪黄白痢致病性大肠杆菌的分离鉴定

    The separation and identification of the E.coli resulting in the Yellow Scour and white scour of piglets

  13. 内蒙古通辽市仔猪黄白痢病原菌的流行病学调查及灭活疫苗的制备

    Epidemiologic Investigation and Inactivated Vaccine of Yellow Scour and White Scour of Newborn Piglets in TongLiao Area of Inner Mongolia

  14. 接续产酸型活菌制剂防治仔猪黄白痢及促生长效果观察

    The Effects of Organic Acid ─ Producing Probiotics on Curing the Yellow or White Dysentery and Promoting Growth of Piglets

  15. 该注射剂以10mg/ml用于人工感染仔猪黄白痢的治疗,效果强于单方烟酸诺氟沙星注射液。

    The injection with dosage of 10mg / ml for treatment artificial infection of pigs yellow and white scour had better effective than unilateral injection .

  16. 仔猪黄白痢是哺乳仔猪最为常见也是危害最为严重的疾病之一,直接影响仔猪的成活率和猪场的经济效益。

    Yellow-white dysentery is the commonest and most destructive disease of piglets , and it directly affects the survival rate and the benefit of pig farm .

  17. 仔猪黄白痢病常造成大批仔猪死亡或变成僵猪,是目前规模养猪场极为棘手的问题。

    Piglets Huang pullorum disease , which often caused a large number of pigs deaths or become stiff pigs , is a extremely difficult issue in large pig farms .

  18. 本试验统计分析了免疫前后仔猪黄白痢发病率、死亡率、治疗费三项指标,发现仔猪黄白痢发病率、死亡率、治疗费用分别降低5.3%、10.825%和2.75元/头。

    Comparison of before and after immunization , results showed that yellow and white scour Piglet morbidity , mortality , treatment costs were decreased respectively by 5.3 % , 10.825 % , and 2.75 yuan per pig .

  19. 本试验选择了两个代表性猪场的怀孕母猪,随机分为三组,分别用基因工程苗和灭活苗接种,对照组不作任何处理,观察仔猪黄白痢发病情况。

    In this trial , pregnant sows were selected from two typical farms , were allocated to three groups and vaccinated piglet E. coli multivalent gene engineering vaccine or piglet E. coli formalin inactivated vaccine or bacteriolytic Buffer . The incidence of yellow and white scour piglets were observed .

  20. 84株仔猪黄、白痢E.coli的体外药敏试验

    Drug Sensitive Test of 84 E.coli Strains of yellow and white Sour of Piglet

  21. 四川规模化猪场仔猪黄、白痢E.coli的分离鉴定

    Isolation and Identification on Yellow and White Scour of Piglet E.coli from Large-scale Pig Farm in Sichuan Province

  22. CPF透皮剂的稳定性及对仔猪黄、白痢的治疗效果以AZ+PG组最好,治疗有效率达92.65%。

    Stability of the dosage form of CPF and the treatment effect against yellow and white diarrhoea show the best in group AZ + PG , and the rate in treatment effect is 92.65 % in the group .

  23. 中草药制剂防治仔猪黄、白痢的研究现状

    Review of Prevention and Cure of Colibacillosis in Piglet by Traditional Chinese Medicine

  24. 颜色文化&白色止痢灵对治疗仔猪黄、白痢的研究

    Antidysenteric suspension for the treatment of white and Yellow Scours of the neonatal pig

  25. 规模化猪场仔猪黄、白痢的防治研究

    Precaution and Therapy of Yellow and White Scour of Piglet in Large scale Pig Farm

  26. 仔猪黄、白痢的临床诊断及疫苗推广应用

    Clinical Diagnosis of Piglet Yellow and White Scour Disease and Promotion of the Application of Vaccines

  27. 实验结果表明,该中草药注射液对仔猪黄、白痢的疗效并不依赖其抑菌作用。

    The results indicated that the curative effect of the Chinese herbal medicine preparation on piglet yellow and white scours was ′ nt dependent on its bacteriostatic effect .

  28. 在生猪肠道内,微粒能溶解释放活菌,用以治疗仔猪黄、白痢和断奶猪应激性腹泻,效果优于抗生素。

    In the meantime , yellow scour and white scour in piglets and enterogastric scouring disease in weaning pigs were cured , and iatrical effects of the preparation was significantly superior to that of antibiotic .

  29. 应用盐酸环丙沙星糊剂,按盐酸环丙沙星10mg/kg口服,每日2次,3d为一疗程,对仔猪黄痢和白痢进行治疗研究,并和痢特灵治疗效果进行比较。

    The yellow scours and white scours of new born piglets are treated with Paste Ciprofloxacin , taken orally in the amount of 10 mg / kg , 2 times a day and 3 days as a course and compared with Furazolidone treatment .

  30. “东方止痢神”和“仔姆康”对仔猪黄痢和白痢的疗效

    Curative Effect of " Dongfang Zhilishen " and " Zimukang " on Bacillary Yellow Diarrhea and Bacillary white Diarrhea of Piglet