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zhàng shì
  • rely on;depend on
仗恃 [zhàng shì]
  • [rely on; depend on] 倚仗;依靠

  • 仗恃豪门势力

仗恃[zhàng shì]
  1. 唯一使我们产生分歧的是知性的仗恃和佛洛依德解释的理性。

    What separates us are only intellectual'props'and'rationalisation'in Freud 's language .

  2. 你得以逃脱一次,别太仗恃你的运气。

    You got away with it once . don 't push your luck .

  3. 可马丁却早已仗恃那十篇小故事过起了阔绰的生活。

    Martin had even been extravagant m the strength of those on ten storiettes .

  4. 文化课是艺术院校的弱项,科班出来的毕业生一出校门就被当成艺术家,中国画的笔墨技法是他们手中独一的仗恃。

    Cultural studies is the art school 's weaknesses , Coban out graduates out of school was as artists of a Chinese ink painting technique is the only Zhangshi their hands .

  5. 所以现在,如果你仗恃兵力,就请下到平原,到我们这里,彼此较量一下,因为我有许多城池可倚恃。

    Now therefore if thou trustest in thy forces , come down to us into the plain , and there let us try one another : for with me is the strength of war .