
  • enviable
  1. 日本的预算盈余令人羡慕。

    Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus

  2. 作为运动员,他们的声望令人羡慕。

    They have enviable reputations as athletes .

  3. 他的艺术才能使他赢得了令人羡慕的声誉。

    He acquired an enviable reputation for artistic ability .

  4. 尽管这些酷酷的孩子看起来令人羡慕,但普林斯坦博士的研究显示了不好的结果。

    Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed , Dr . Prinstein 's studies show unpleasant consequences .

  5. 一旦他写的书登上畅销书排行榜,他就能放松地享受令人羡慕的生活了。

    Once his book had become a best-seller , he could sit back and enjoy his place in the sun .

  6. 英国人能够保持沉默而无不安的气质令人羡慕(b亨利詹姆斯)

    The enviable English quality of being able to be mute without unrest ( bHenry James )

  7. 就在不久前,贾斯汀的前女友赛琳娜·戈麦斯(SelenaGomez)拿下了导演伍迪·艾伦(AllenStewartKonigsberg)新电影中非常令人羡慕的角色。

    This comes after his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez landed a plum role in the new Woody Allen film .

  8. 在Pisa调查中位居第二的韩国,拥有令人羡慕的知识型经济,专利申请方面的情况就是例证。

    South Korea , second in the Pisa list , has an enviable knowledge economy , for example in terms of patent applications .

  9. SofiaVergara拥有好莱坞最令人羡慕的身材,她也毫不羞涩于展现自己的好身材。

    Sofia Vergara has one of the most envied bodies in Hollywood , and she 's not afraid of showing it off .

  10. FICC在独特的地位被足够小的专家提供个性化服务,以足够大,可以产生一种令人羡慕的候选人游泳池。

    FICC is in the unique position of being small enough to deliver specialist personalized service whilst being big enough to generate an enviable candidate pool .

  11. 英国教育大臣利兹•特拉斯(LizTruss)上月刚刚访问上海,考察上海何以能在学生的数学、阅读以及科学教育方面取得令人羡慕的成就。而中国家长为了寻找好学校却奔向了相反的方向,这或许令人有点惊讶。

    Given that Liz Truss , UK education minister , visited Shanghai just last month to find out how the city achieves its enviable success in maths , reading and science , it might be surprising that the Chinese are travelling in the opposite direction in search of good schools .

  12. 希雷森能够辞去CEO,只担任“正常的全职”副董事长,确实令人羡慕,而一位男性CEO能够提出女性CEO才可能提出的问题,则是在为高管创造跨越性别的公平环境方面,迈出了重要一步。

    While it 's enviable that Schireson can step down as CEO to simply work " normal full time " as vice chairman , the fact that a male CEO is asking the same questions that a female CEO might ask is an important step towards leveling the playing field for top executives , regardless of their gender .

  13. 在iPhone销量的帮助下,苹果再次交出令人羡慕的营收和利润成绩。但该公司未来的业绩可能会相对逊色。作为全世界市值最高的公司,苹果周二公布,第四财务季度利润111亿美元,同比上涨31%。

    Apple turned in another quarter of enviable revenue and profit growth , fueled by sales of the iPhone , but more muted times may lie ahead . The company , the world 's most valuable , on Tuesday posted a profit of $ 11.1 billion for its fiscal fourth quarter , up 31 percent from a year ago .

  14. 正常播放你的手,来阻挠该的好处,最终把它们“上-倾斜”建立您的资金和声誉,输入更高桩跑马地球赛并赢取令人羡慕的WSOP手镯。

    Play your hands correctly to frustrate the pros , and eventually put them " on-tilt " as you build up your bankroll and reputation , enter higher stake tournaments , and win coveted WSOP bracelets .

  15. 她有着完美的家庭,看起来令人羡慕。

    She has a perfect family , and looks of envy .

  16. 受到上帝祝福的基督教家庭令人羡慕

    I admire the christian family who receives gods blessing through prayer

  17. 但是,鲍尔默仍实现了令人羡慕的财务业绩。

    That said , Mr Ballmer has delivered enviable financial results .

  18. 得到学士学位,你将令人羡慕。

    With a master 's degree , you 'd be sitting pretty .

  19. 我希望今年对你来说会是令人羡慕的一年!

    I hope this year will be wonderful for you !

  20. 她学会了说几种外语,其流利程度令人羡慕。

    She learned to speak foreign languages with enviable fluency .

  21. 从西方人的观点看,中国面临的难题是令人羡慕的。

    Judged from a Western perspective , China has an enviable problem .

  22. 他在电视业中成就辉煌,令人羡慕。

    He enjoyed a dashing and glamorous career in television .

  23. 在本轮经济滑坡中,中国处于相对令人羡慕的地位。

    In this downturn , China is relatively enviably placed .

  24. 法蕾妲:(幸运的是)你们哀悼的时间是令人羡慕的短暂。

    Freyda : Your period of mourning was admirably brief .

  25. 珍品值得努力争取的东西;令人羡慕的拥有。

    Something worth striving for ; a highly desirable possession .

  26. 例如,苹果是一个令人羡慕的公司。

    For instance , Apple Inc. is an enviable company .

  27. 某些女性是如何拥有那种令人羡慕的完美的容光焕发的皮肤的?

    How do some women achieve that enviable perfect , glowing skin ?

  28. 当他还是个孩子时,他就有令人羡慕的聪颖天资。

    When he was a boy , people admired his great qualities .

  29. 这曾被视为一种强大的优势,令人羡慕不已。

    This was seen as a great strength and was much envied .

  30. 这些罕见而令人羡慕的股票通常价格非常昂贵。

    Such rare and enviable situations are usually very expensive to purchase .