
  • 网络instrument room;control room;instrument cubicle;metering house
  1. 当仪表室、变配电室等布置在防爆区域内时,应设正压送风系统,创造一个空气清新的正压(30~50Pa)环境,以确保仪表及各种设备的正常运行。

    Force draft system should be furnished when instrumentation room , distribution room , etc. are located within the explosive zone , so as to secure a positive pressure ( 30 to 50 Pa ) environment with fresh air and make sure the instruments and equipment will operate normally .

  2. 可寻址远程传感器高速通道协议(HART协议)是一项世界范围内通用的适用于智能仪表和控制室设备之间的通信协议。

    HART ( Highway Addressable Remote Transducer ) Protocol is a worldwide standard and its products are widely used on smart field devices .