
  • 网络price freeze
  1. 第一阶段为三个月的价格冻结期。

    The first three-month period , known as phase I , was a price freeze .

  2. 此外,他又把农产品价格冻结在9月15日的水平,并且把对租金的控制扩大到全国各地。

    In addition , he " froze " agricultural prices at their level on September 15 and extended rent control to all areas of the country .

  3. 谷物进口花销不断上升,已使一些国家提高了食品补贴(如埃及、阿曼和巴基斯坦),俄罗斯和中国的食品零售价格被冻结,谷物进口关税也大幅削减。

    The rising cereal imports bill has triggered an increase in food subsidies in countries such as Egypt , Oman and Pakistan , retail price freezes in Russia and China , and large reductions in cereals import tariffs .

  4. 解除对工资、价格等的冻结

    Unfreeze wages , prices , etc

  5. 成员国决定暂时把石油的基准价格市场价格由此而定冻结在每桶34美元上,每桶实际下降1.5美元。

    They decided , for the moment , to freeze the reference price on which market prices are decided at $ 34a barrel , a real cut of up to $ 1.50a barrel .