
  1. 任熊活跃在杭州及上海一带,当时不断受到殖民力量的影响。

    Ren was active in Hangzhou and the Shanghai region at a time when the region had come under increasing influence of colonial powers .

  2. 任熊的青绿山水长卷《范湖草堂图》为我们再现了一种水木清辉、幽静闲适的境界。

    Ren Xiong s landscape painting in dark-green hue " The Thatched House beside Fanhu Lake " depicts for us the clear and fresh landscape in secluded and quiet atmosphere .

  3. 构图里单独站立的人像,加上周围的书法,是直接引用十九世纪艺术家任熊著名的自画像。

    This compositional form , the solitary , heroic figure standing surrounded by calligraphy of the artist , appears to be a direct quotation of a famous self-portrait by the19th century artist Ren Xiong .