
  • 网络bionic pesticide
  1. 拟除虫菊酯是一种仿生类农药,因其具有快速击倒,杀虫效能高,在环境中低残留及对人畜等非靶生物低毒等特点被广泛用于农业害虫和卫生害虫的防制。

    Pyrethroid is one kind of bionic pesticides with characters of quick knocking down the pest , high pesticide efficiency , low retaining in the environment , and little danger to non-target biology .

  2. 从植物中寻找天然活性物质,直接加工成农药来控制有害生物的为害或作为先导化合物仿生合成新型农药,是目前植物源农药研究的热点。

    It is a focus for the study of botanical pesticides to find bio-active natural products from plants .