
  1. 本文在分析作业成本定价原理的基础上建立了作业成本产品定价模型,并且利用Excel设计了动态的产品定价模型,使得企业产品定价决策实现自动化,解决了实际工作中繁杂的计算问题。

    This paper establishes a product pricing model on Activity-Based Costing on the basis of analyzing the principle of Activity-Based Costing on pricing , and designs a dynamic product price model using Excel , that makes product pricing decision automatically and solves the calculation problem in actual works .

  2. 决策支持系统在企业产品定价中的具体实现及其应用

    The decision support system applies in confirming price of enterprise products

  3. 论影响企业产品定价的因素

    Factors that Influence the Pricing of Enterprise Products

  4. 企业产品定价道德是指导产品定价活动中企业行为善恶的规范。

    Product pricing ethics is a norm to guide enterprises behavior in its product pricing .

  5. 知识密集型服务企业产品定价研究

    Products Pricing of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services

  6. 试析创新产品的价值决定与价值构成物流企业产品定价策略与报价的研究

    On the Value - Determination and Value-Constitution of the Innovated Products ; Research on the Pricing Mechanism and the Establishment of Price Quoting Systems of Logistics Companies

  7. 物流企业产品定价策略与报价的研究产品对象化视角中的劳动价值论与效用价值论&基于现代企业竞争范式角度的探讨

    Research on the Pricing Mechanism and the Establishment of Price Quoting Systems of Logistics Companies On the Labor Theory of Value and the Utility Theory of Value from the Perspective of Product Objectification

  8. 产品成本是企业产品定价和制定战略决策的重要依据,而费用分配的合理程度是影响成本计算结果准确性的重要因素之一。

    Product cost is a critical basis for the enterprise to price its products and make strategic decisions , and reasonable allocation of costs is an important factor in the accuracy of product cost .

  9. 其次,给出了企业产品定价道德评价的基本思路,建立了评价指标体系,构建了企业产品定价道德评价模式,并进行了应用分析和计算。

    Second , it gives the basic ideas for the evaluation of pricing ethics , and establishes the evaluating index system and the ethical evaluating model , and carries out the analysis of application and calculation .

  10. 是否拥有一个有效的、能够为企业产品定价、生产决策、市场定位以及成本控制等决策提供准确成本信息的成本系统,对企业来说非常重要。

    As far as enterprises concerned , it is of great importance of an effective system to them , which is able to provide accurate cost information on decision making of pricing , producing and cost controlling .

  11. 再次,将博弈分析方法用于企业产品定价道德研究中,建立了基于道德的企业产品定价静态博弈模型和基于企业长期收益的重复动态博弈模型。

    Third , it analyzes pricing ethics through game method and builds two game models , including the static game model for pricing based on marketing ethics and the repeated dynamic game model based on enterprises ' long-term profit .

  12. 最后,就企业产品定价道德建设问题,引入生态系统概念,分析了企业内部定价道德和外部定价道德生态系统的构成,提出了企业产品定价道德可持续发展的具体措施。

    The end , the paper discusses how to construct pricing ethics by introducing the concept of ecosystem . It analyzes internal and external components of ethical ecosystem in enterprises pricing , and puts forward concrete measure for its sustainable development .

  13. 文中通过建立线性城市模型,分析了网络企业产品定价的主要影响因素以及电子商务交易成本对网络企业定价策略的影响,并提出了网络企业一些常用的定价策略。

    By building a linear city model , the thesis analyzes the main factors that influence on the pricing of online enterprises ' products , and the important influence of electronic commerce transaction cost on online enterprises ' pricing . Furthermore , some pricing strategies are suggested .

  14. 企业产品最优定价决策模型的研究

    Optimal Pricing Model of Enterprise Products

  15. 市场经济条件下的企业产品最优定价决策模型的研究

    The Research of the Model on How to Fix Best Prices of the Products Under the Condition of Market Economy

  16. 准确、可靠的产品成本信息对制造企业进行产品定价、降低产品成本以及选择产品组合等决策有着重要的意义。

    Accurate and reliant product cost information is important for making a price , reducing the cost and selecting the combination of the product .

  17. 期望本人在导师指导下独立研究提出的定价方法和模型,对从事交换机生产的企业在产品定价方面有一定的参考、咨询和支持作用。

    These pricing methods and models as an independent study have some guiding significances to product pricing for enterprises engaged in the production of switch .

  18. 本文研究了在双寡头竞争的市场条件下,企业产品最优定价的排队博弈模型,分析了产品价格与成本、质量和交易等待成本之间的关系,推导出最优定价策略的纳什均衡解。

    In this paper , the queueing game model of optimal commodity pricing under double-oligarch competition condition is studied , and the relation between cost , quality , customer waiting cost and price is analyzed . Then the Nash-equilibrium solution of optimal pricing strategy is given .

  19. 本文主要研究了如下五部分内容:第一部分,论述了影响顾客和企业自身的产品定价策略及其发展动态,并在此基础上引入了动态定价(DynamicPricing)策略概念;

    This thesis primarily studied five part of contents : The first part mainly discussed the pricing strategies ' influence for customer and enterprise oneself , and introduce the concept of Dynamic Pricing strategies ;

  20. 基于价格合作的寡头垄断企业供应链产品定价

    Pricing in Oligopoly Supply Chain Based On Price Cooperation

  21. 企业兼并与产品定价策略

    The Firms ' Merger and Pricing Strategy

  22. 通过本文的研究,得到了可供企业应用信息产品定价的模型,并且将定价模型与用户的感知价值进行了有效的联系。

    The research in this paper is available to get enterprises application with information product pricing models . The pricing model and the user perceived value are connected .

  23. 分别构建了企业对其产品定价模型以及在线消费者对其产品定价模型,并分别对其假定条件以及其影响因素做了详细的解释,对已有模型上进行了合理的完善。

    Enterprise pricing model and online consumer product pricing model are constructed , its assumptions and influencing factors explained in detail separately , and reasonable improvement are made on the existing models .

  24. 这两个模型适用于以单时期或多时期利润最大化为目标、具有不同技术水平与市场环境的企业选择产品与定价,研究并指明了在外生条件变化时企业选择的合理变动趋势;

    These models can be used by the enterprises which aim at single-period profit or multi-periods profits under the conditions of different produce technical level and market circumstances , and indicates the alteration trends when the exogenous factors of the models change ;

  25. 新形势下,采购成本直接影响着企业最终产品的定价和企业的利润,良好的采购模式可以降低采购成本,直接增加企业的利润和价值,有利于企业在市场竞争中赢得优势。

    The new situation , the purchasing cost of a direct impact on the enterprise of the final product pricing and corporate profits , good corporate purchasing model will directly increase the profits and value , help enterprises to gain advantages in market competition .

  26. 本文共五章,采用理论研究与实践研究相结合的方法,针对我国钢铁行业在兼并重组后的市场结构和国内重点大型钢铁企业的主要产品定价中存在的问题而展开。

    This paper consists of five chapters . With the method of theoretical and empirical research , it discusses the market structure and the price fixing of products from large-scale enterprises after the annexing and reform among companies in steel and iron industry in China .

  27. 研究了寡头市场上企业的产品选择与定价。

    Researches on product choosing and pricing of oligopoly enterprise .

  28. 从而能够有效地避免价格战及其所导致的寡头企业的恶性竞争,对寡头企业如何实施产品定价策略具有重要意义。

    Swart Competition and Countermeasures So it can avoid brutal price competition effectively and guide the oligopoly enterprises how to implement the pricing strategy positively .

  29. 分析了拥有完全成本信息的企业与没有完全信息企业在定价考虑上的差异,并对影响企业产品选择和定价决策的因素作了分析说明。

    Study the difference consideration of pricing between the enterprises who have entirely information and those who haven 't and explain the factors that affect product chosen and pricing .

  30. 以企业追求利润最大化为目标,从市场供求关系和边际分析出发,用定量的方法对企业产品最优定价问题进行理论探讨。

    Based on the target of profit maximization , a quantitative method to optimal product pricing is presented theoretically by supply and demand and marginal analysis .