
  1. 企业内部组织结构形式调整模型及其分析

    Regulation Model and Analysis of Enterprise Inner Organization Structure

  2. 企业内部组织、团队、个体成员价值观直接影响着企业价值观的形成、变化、贯彻。

    The values of organizations and individuals inside of corporate effect the development and change and implementation of corporate values directly .

  3. 具体保障措施包括,健全企业内部组织结构,为开发新市场做好组织结构上的准备。

    Specific safeguards include , improve the internal organizational structure for the development of new organizational structure on the market do a good job preparing .

  4. 同时,在知识经济到来的今天,员工个人价值的提升越来越依赖于企业内部组织的各种形式的有效培训,员工主动接受培训的迫切性和要求不断增强。

    Meanwhile , at the arrival of Knowledge Economy , the enhancement of the value of individual staff is relying on the every kind of effective training in enterprises .

  5. 而核心竞争力则决定了企业内部组织管理成本与外部市场交易成本的高低,并最终决定了企业的最优边界。

    And that core competency determines whether firm 's internal organization management cost is higher than external transaction cost or not , and ultimately determines firm 's optimal frontier .

  6. 构建科学有效的内部控制框架,必须优化企业内部组织结构,确定董事会的核心地位,建立与现代企业制度相一致的内审体系。

    We should optimize enterprise internal structure , determine the core position of boards and establish internal audit system corresponding with modern enterprise system to construct scientific and effective internal control frame .

  7. 从广义角度看,包含人员的集成、企业内部组织的集成、各种管理上的集成、各种技术上的集成、计算机系统平台的集成等。

    In a broad sense , the integration is involved in the following areas : personnel , organisations within the enterprise , varieties of management , kinds of technology and computer system , etc.

  8. 企业内部组织单元绩效评价是企业绩效评价体系的重要组成部分,是连接企业整体绩效评价与员工个人绩效评价的中间环节。

    The performance evaluation of interior organization units is an important component of enterprise 's performance evaluation system , and is the middle tache between enterprise 's integer performance evaluation and individual performance evaluation .

  9. 在网络经济环境下既需要企业内部组织创新,也需要企业外部组织创新。企业组织创新在流程、方法和理念上要有根本性的变革,以应对网络环境的发展趋势。

    Enterprises in the context of network economy need both inner and outer innovation , which should be reformed fundamentally from its process , method and concept to adapt to developing trend of network context .

  10. 该范式既有对企业内部组织要素和外部不确定环境自组织自适应的机制,也有使这种机制得以发挥作用并兼顾规模经济与范围经济的双模块结构。

    This paradigm is composed of the mechanism of the self-organizing to the these factors and the self-adjustability to the uncertain environments and the dual module structure , which is a unification of scale economics and scope economics .

  11. 消费者需求和信息技术分别从拉动和推动两个方面促使企业内部组织结构方式以及企业间的相互关系发生着深刻而重大的变化。

    Dramatic and deep changes are taking place in the internal structure of an enterprise and relationship between enterprises in modern times . In this process , consumer complicated demand give the power drawing , and information techniques propelling power .

  12. 面向CRM的企业内部网状组织结构的研究

    Research on a CRM-Oriented Network Enterprise Organizational Structure

  13. 企业内部的组织协调费用研究

    A Study of the Intra-organization Co-ordination Cost in an Enterprise

  14. 先进生产管理观念导致企业内部在组织和管理观念上的重大变化,企业寻求通过战略联盟等方式获取外部效率。

    Advanced production management concepts led to organization and management concepts change significantly , so companies set up strategic alliances to obtain the external efficiency .

  15. 报告称,大学生对薪酬的关注有所下降,对企业内部的组织管理方式的关注度持续高涨,外企成为大学生求职的第一选择。

    Students have showed a declining concern for salaries , but focus more on the management approaches by companies , the report said , adding that foreign-funded enterprises have become the first choice .

  16. 其次从内部环境方面分析了北京世佳医药研究中心发展的有利条件,包括资源优势、战略契机、技术力量及管理等方面,也对企业的内部组织结构和产品结构进行了分析。

    Secondly , from the internal environment , analyzes the advantages of the development of Bachelor research Center of Peking University , including resource , strategy , technology and management ; also analyzes its inner organizational and product structure ;

  17. 进入现代信息经济时代,企业内部的组织结构和人员构成越来越多元化,也因此使越来越多的人认识到:沟通是企业管理的重要组成部分。

    With the entrance to the information economics society , organizational structure becomes more complicated and the composition of work force is increasingly diversity in modern enterprise . Communication has consequently been an important part in the course of enterprise management .

  18. 本文应用CAS理论和涌现机理,从企业内部的自组织和企业同环境的相互作用两方面详细探讨了企业动态能力的构建机理。

    In this paper , CAS theory and emergence mechanism are applied in discussing the construction mechanism of enterprises ' dynamic capabilities from the perspective both of self-organization within the enterprise and of how to interact with the environment .

  19. 我们把这一类的以提供技术服务为目的的企业或企业内部组织统称为技术服务型组织。

    We call this kind of organization " tech service provider " .

  20. 与美国企业扩张等内部组织方式相比,它可节约固有的组织成本。

    Comparing with inner organization mode of American firms extending , the trading mode could saving inherent organizing cost .

  21. 但是,通常在一个企业的内部进行组织学习的过程中都会受到各种因素的干扰和影响。

    However , within process of organizational learning in a business usually subjected to interference and impact of various factors .

  22. 通过企业内部环境,组织文化建设,领导力建设,薪酬和绩效体系,员工敬业度因素,完善企业内部环境,预防人员流失。

    By building Culture , improve capability , consummate salary and performance system , raise engagement , companies reduce turnover .

  23. 要落实企业内部渠道管理组织机构,提升自有渠道在渠道体系中的地位与作用;

    The inner channel management organization should be built , and improve the role and function of self-built channels in the channel system ;

  24. 民营企业对内部非正式组织的籍贯规避&基于珠三角制造业个案的研究

    The native place evasion on informal organization of private enterprises in Zhujiang Delta district & Research based on manufacturing case of Zhujiang Delta

  25. 论文的最后部分,以海尔成功的组织结构变革为案例进行了实证分析,为我国企业建构内部市场组织结构模式提供了实践依据。

    Last of all , the dissertation demonstrates on innovation of Haier organization structure to offer reference for constructing inner market organization structure model .

  26. 这一时期的特点是工业实验室成为科层制工商企业内部的基本组织,成为现代企业技术创新体系的支撑。

    The characteristics of that period were that industrial laboratory became one of the inner section and the system of prop up in the modern enterprise system .

  27. 市场交换通过参与主体之间的重复博弈来实现交换均衡,企业内部交换通过组织的自主调节实现交换的均衡。

    The market exchange realizes its equilibrium by the repetitive games among the parties involved while the exchange of internal elements in enterprises realizes the equilibrium by the voluntary adjustment .

  28. 为此,企业需要在内部组织结构、财务管理模式、风险控制机制、产品和服务创新以及企业文化建设等方面采取一系列措施。

    So the bank should take actions in the areas such as internal organization structure , management pattern of finance , control mechanism of venture , innovation of product and service and the construction of enterprise culture .

  29. 为适应建筑市场的需要,监理企业必须完善内部组织结构,提高自身的资质能力,推行监理企业向股份制转变,完善组织结构,进行监理企业的体制转轨和机制转换。

    For the construction market demand , supervision business needs perfect internal organization construction , increase its natural intelligence ability , promote system that business of supervision enterprises changing toward share system , perfect build up construction , the business of supervision enterprises turn the orbit and the mechanism conversion .

  30. 二是改革企业内部领导体制和组织架构;

    Second , reform firms ' internal leadership system and organizational framework .