
qǐ yè jiā jīnɡ shen
  • Entrepreneurship;bossmanship
  1. 因为没有好奇心,我们就会失去创新精神和企业家精神。

    Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship .

  2. 华威大学是一所英国名校。它与世界紧密相连,具有前瞻性和企业家精神。

    The University of Warwick is one of the UK ’ s leading universities : globally connected , forward-looking and entrepreneurial .

  3. 他曾在上海的中欧国际工商学院(chinaeuropeinternationalbusinessschool)学习,专门研究创新、企业家精神、谈判和消费行为。

    He spent time at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai , focusing on innovation , entrepreneurship , negotiation and customer behaviour .

  4. 这包括了无利润组织,社会组织。,NGOs,social,society,organization,happen。,我们讨论过了平衡的改变,它是社会企业家精神中,很重要的一方面。

    This is where nonprofit organizations NGO So we talked about also in equilibrium shift is being an important aspect of social entrepreneurship .

  5. FDI对中国企业家精神的影响&基于制造业面板数据的分析

    The Effect of FDI on the Chinese Entrepreneurship & the Analysis Based on Panel Data of Manufacture Industry

  6. Wheat赞扬了Carbon团队的企业家精神,并且建议它一开始在繁文缛节较少,拍卖过程采用较为简单的较小城镇推广市场。

    Wheat praised the Carbon team 's entrepreneurship and suggested the company market its car first in smaller towns with less red tape and simpler bidding processes .

  7. 亨德森将获得NewStar的企业家精神、活力和营销技巧,我们则能提供企业稳定、安全和审慎,他表示。

    Henderson can pick up some of New Star 's entrepreneurial drive , energy and marketing skills and in turn we offer elements of corporate stability , security and prudence , he adds .

  8. 并运用这个模型对3M公司的企业家精神进行了分析。

    Our model is justified by analyzing the entrepreneurship system of 3M .

  9. 通过了解MBA课程,我发现它可以培养自己对金融、战略和企业家精神的挚爱。

    Looking at the courses on offer , I saw that I could build on my passions for finance , strategy and entrepreneurship .

  10. 如今,insead的mba学员可以学到任何东西无论是复杂的金融工具、消费者营销还是企业家精神。

    These days , INSEAD MBA students can study anything complex financial instruments , consumer marketing , or entrepreneurship .

  11. 他满怀热情地表示:就读MBA点燃了我的企业家精神。我决定在仍然怀有激情的时候把它释放出来。

    My entrepreneurial spirit was lit during the programme and I decided to give it a go while the fire was still in me , he enthuses .

  12. 要继续保持全球领军地位,我们必须确保WPP仍是一家具有企业家精神并且以业绩为基础的公司。

    We have to ensure that WPP remains an entrepreneurial , performance-based company to maintain its global leadership .

  13. 揭示了绿色食品产业集群优势的发挥要依靠各种因素的关键f生作用,如:自然资源、规模经济、相关产业的支持、吸引外资、企业家精神和政策环境等因素;

    To develop the advantage of green food industry group count on the function of various factors , such as natural resources , scale economy , correlation industry , foreign capital , entrepreneur 's spirit and policy .

  14. 西方MBO发展实践证明,MBO有利于降低委托代理成本,保护人力资本价值,强化激励约束和发挥企业家精神。

    The practices in western countries have proved that MBO are beneficial to reduce the principal agent costs , protect human resource capital values , strengthen incentive constraints and exert entrepreneurs ' spirits .

  15. 约翰逊说,企业家精神的崛起催生了对创新类演讲的浓厚兴趣,进而为密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)斯蒂芬oMo罗斯商学院(StephenM.RossSchoolofBusiness)教授杰夫o德格拉夫等专家创造了需求。

    The rise of entrepreneurship has generated strong interest in speeches on innovation , creating demand for experts such as Jeff DeGraff , professor at the University of Michigan 's Stephen M. Ross School of Business , Johnson says .

  16. 李书福曾被沃尔沃董事会一名董事誉为“极具企业家精神,愿意承担风险”。2010年他从福特(Ford)手中收购了沃尔沃,这一举动让全世界都知道了吉利。

    Mr Li , described as " very entrepreneurial and willing to take risks , " by one member of the Volvo board , shot Geely into global prominence when he bought Volvo from Ford in 2010 .

  17. 它主要衡量的是分析能力,但如果你非常看重领导力、创新精神、创造力和企业家精神,GMAT考试没办法衡量这些特质。

    It mostly measures analytical skills , but if you think about the importance of leadership , innovation , creativity , and entrepreneurship , the GMAT doesn 't measure that .

  18. 科技公司、公司品牌以及具有企业家精神的社交媒体明星在竞相利用互联网最形象的文化单元的力量——表情符号以及它极度活跃的表兄弟GIF——他们可能会无意中摧毁周围兴起的创意世界。

    In a rush to harness the power of the web 's most evocative cultural units - emoji and their hyperactive cousins , GIFs - tech companies , corporate brands and entrepreneurial social media stars could risk inadvertently flattening the creative world that 's sprung up around them .

  19. 他提供的材料表明“n&成就”与企业家精神高度相关。

    He provides evidence that n-achievement is highly correlated with entrepreneurship .

  20. 企业家精神:高校创业教育的核心

    Entrepreneurship-education Based on the Idea of Enterprise-education in Colleges and Universities

  21. 企业家精神作为企业家的一个必要的组成部分,是企业家的核心和灵魂;

    The entrepreneurship is the core and soul of the entrepreneur ;

  22. 用儒家文化的精髓塑造当代企业家精神

    Create the Contemporary Enterpriser Spirit with the Soul of Confucian culture

  23. 企业家精神、自我甄别机制与资本市场发展

    Entrepreneurship , Mechanism of Self-distinguishing and the Development of Capital Market

  24. 以企业家精神改造大学:中国大学变革之道

    Creating Entrepreneurial Universities : The Approach of Chinese Universities ' Transformation

  25. 论如何培养大学生企业家精神企业家精神在技术创新中的作用

    Discussion on the role of entrepreneur spirit to technological innovation

  26. 过去十年,企业家精神取得了大的发展。

    Over the last decade , entrepreneurship has come a long way .

  27. 西部国有企业改革与企业家精神

    The reform of state-owned enterprises in west China and spirit of entrepreneur

  28. 企业家精神教育是企业家人才培养的关键。

    The entrepreneur spirit education is the key for cultivating entrepreneur talents .

  29. 把企业家精神引入经济增长理论的思考

    Reflection Upon Introducing The Spirit of Entrepreneurship Into the Economic Growth Theory

  30. 企业家精神资本包括区域创新努力和区域创新能力两个方面。

    Entrepreneurship capital include the regional innovation efforts and regional innovation capacity .