
  1. 早期的研究建立在IS-LM分析框架之下,货币政策通过利率的调整影响企业投资规模,因此被称为货币政策传导的利率渠道。

    Early studies based on the IS-LM analysis framework , monetary policy affects enterprise investment scale through changing interest rates . Therefore , it is referred to as interest rate channel of the monetary policy transmission .

  2. 影响企业投资规模决策的因素分析

    The Factor Analysis about Affecting the Policy of Investment Scale in Enterprises

  3. 企业投资规模与投资路线的模型研究

    Model analysis for enterprise investment scale and investment route

  4. 债务杠杆、现金流量与企业投资规模

    Debt Leverage , Cash Flow and Corporate Investment

  5. 研究发现,两者对民营企业投资规模的影响并无显著的差异。

    The study found that there was no significant difference between them with over-investment .

  6. 国际企业投资规模与规模效益

    Investment Scale of International Enterprises and Scale Efficiency

  7. 关于优化企业投资规模的思考

    Thoughts about better enterprise investment scale

  8. 信息披露质量同盈余管理之间存在负相关关系,盈余管理与企业投资规模呈正相关关系。

    Negative relationship exists in between the quality of information disclosure and earnings management and there is a positive correlation between earnings management and corporate investment .

  9. 但由于中小企业投资规模与市场竞争力不足,在市场竞争中有其无法逾越的劣势和弱点。

    But the scale of investment in small and medium-sized enterprises and market competition ability is insufficient , in market competition has its not insurmountable weaknesses and weakness .

  10. 第三章首先对内部现金流量与信息不对称进行概念定义,然后分析信息不对称条件下内部现金流量对企业投资规模的影响并进行相应的模型分析。

    The third chapter defines the interior cash flow and the information dissymmetry firstly and analyzes the infection between the investment scale and the interior cash flow under the information dissymmetry .

  11. 按不同银行负债率区间,分别对样本总体进行投资规模、不同产权性质的投资规模、以及不同控制层级下投资规模的描述性统计,得出目前我国制造业在企业投资规模方面的特征。

    According to different debt ratio , we make descriptive statistics of the overall investment in the sample size 、 the different nature of the scale of investment property , as well as the scale of investment under different control levels .

  12. 不确定条件下房地产企业最优投资规模研究

    Research of the Optimal Scale of Investment in Real Estate under the Conditions of Uncertainty

  13. 通过对风险项目风险和收益的分析,给出了企业风险投资规模的上限。

    Based on the analysis of risk and return of a venture project , we give the upper limit for the investment scale in this paper .

  14. 但是,随着现代企业在投资规模上的不断扩张和投资层次上的日益延伸,现代企业财务控制问题正在变得日益紧迫。

    However , with the expansion of investment scales of modern enterprises and growing extension of investment levels , the Modern enterprise 's financial control is becoming increasingly urgent .

  15. 去年,对风投支持的创业型企业的投资规模达到600亿美元,较2013年增长了一倍,共同基金和资产管理公司等投资机构纷纷进入这一领域。

    Investment in venture-backed start-ups reached $ 60bn last year , double the level of 2013 , as investors such as mutual funds and asset managers enter the scene .

  16. 建筑企业具有投资规模大、生产流动性强、生产周期长等特点,财务风险贯穿于工程项目施工全过程,财务风险管理更为复杂。

    The construction enterprises have many characteristics , such as big investment scale , high liquidity , and long operating cycle and so on , financial risks exist in the whole building procedure of the project , and the management of its financial risks is more complicated .

  17. 第4章对民营企业如何确定投资规模进行了探讨,介绍了本量利分析法和分步法;

    Chapter 4 introduced how nongovernmental enterprise to confirm scale of investment ;

  18. 随着中国企业对外直接投资规模的不断扩大,面临的投资风险也显著增多。

    With the scale of Chinese enterprise about foreign direct investment , Chinese enterprise is faced with Investment Risk increased significantly .

  19. 近年来,中国的海外直接投资在企业数量和投资规模上都出现了迅猛增长,特别是在发展中国家的投资规模越来越大。

    In recent years , oversea direct investment of China has increased dramatically in terms of the quantity of investing enterprises and investment scale , especially the investment scale in developing countries .

  20. 在海外投资的中国企业迄今大多投资于规模较小的矿业业务,尽管有人猜测一家中国财团有可能对力拓发起竞购。力拓已收到必和必拓(BHPBilliton)1400亿美元的出价。

    Chinese companies have mostly invested overseas in smaller mining operations , in spite of speculation a Chinese consortium might try to launch a counter-bid for Rio Tinto , which has received a $ 140bn bid from BHP Billiton .

  21. 我国境外投资企业的增多、投资规模的增加迫切需要建立我国境外投资保护制度。

    The increasing of offshore investment needs the establishment of Chinese offshore investment protection system .

  22. 国际金融危机背景下研究企业负债融资与投资规模的相关性具有重要意义。

    In the context of the international financial crisis , it is a great significance to research the correlation of debt financing and the size investment .

  23. 根据此基金会最近的调查,除了大的企业投资,中小型规模的私人企业也关注了加拿大。

    In addition to investments by large enterprises , small and medium-sized private enterprises are also eyeing Canada , according to a recent survey by the foundation .

  24. 现代财务理论基于委托-代理理论和信息不对称理论的考虑,认为企业负债融资影响投资规模。

    Modern financial theory is based on principal - agent theory and the theory of asymmetric information considerations , suggests that the impact of corporate debt financing has great impact on enterprises investment .

  25. 石油企业研发项目投资资金规模大、专业技术含量高、风险因素众多,如果失败,将会给企业带来重大损失。

    The investment of Petroleum Enterprise R & D project is large in scale , highly in professional skills and has many risk factors . Therefore , it will bring severe losses to the enterprise if it failed .

  26. 实物期权理论被证明比较适合研究不确定性条件下不可逆的投资,但基本的实物期权理论侧重于研究投资时机选择,忽略了企业所具有的投资规模决策的灵活性。

    The Real Option Theory is proved to be the appropriate theory for study of irreversible investment under uncertainty , but the basic Real Option Theory stresses on the investment timing and ignores the flexibility of enterprises in making decision on investment scale .

  27. 传统财务理论认为企业负债融资与投资规模之间没有相关性,不管企业的财务状况如何,只要企业具备良好的投资机会就可以筹集到相应的资金满足投资需要。

    Traditional financial theory suggests that there is no correlation between corporate debt financing the scale of investment , regardless of how the financial situation of enterprises , as long as companies with good investment opportunities can be raised to the appropriate funds to meet investment needs .

  28. 同时,本文还采用方差分析和T检验,验证了各外商投资动机和区位因素的相对重要性是否因外资企业开业时间、投资规模、投资来源、投资产业、企业经济类型以及是否出口而存在差异。

    In the meantime , using ANOVA and test , this paper also examines whether there is a different relative importance of motives and location factors of foreign investors or not because of starting time , investment size , capital sources , and sectoral ownership and export pattern .

  29. 从市场竞争定价和政府定价2种上网电价定价模式下,分析不同投资规模下的发电企业利润,以获得企业最佳投资规模;

    From market pricing and government pricing , the economic benefits of different investments are analyzed to get the best investment scale .

  30. 信息披露质量的提高可以减少投资者与管理者之间存在的信息不对称程度,从而可以降低投资者的投资风险,企业的盈余管理程度也影响着企业的投资规模。

    Improving of the information disclosure quality can reduce the degree of information asymmetry between them , for it can not only reduce the risk of investment , but also affect the investment scale of the enterprises .