
  1. 企业的经济环境因素纷繁复杂,对企业产生直接或间接的影响,而且,企业经济环境瞬息万变,变化的速度也日趋加快,这给企业经营带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。

    The economic environment factors of enterprises are numerous and complicated , affecting enterprises directly or indirectly , and enterprise economic environment is fast-changing , the rate of its changing is also more and more rapid , this brings operation of enterprises great opportunities and risks .

  2. 自我国加入WTO后,企业外部的经济环境产生了很大的变化,竞争更加激烈。

    Since China 's entry into the WTO , the enterprise 's external economic environment has changed a lot , and the competition has become fiercer .

  3. 其中宏观环境主要分析了煤炭企业面临的经济环境、煤炭行业政策环境以及市场环境。

    In the macro environment , the paper studies the macro-economic environment industry policy environment and market environment .

  4. 随着中国民营企业面临的经济环境已经发生并将继续发生深刻的变化,中国民营企业在整体上开始进入转型时期,这种转型必然体现在企业文化的深刻变革中。

    As the economic environment of our private economy has gone through and will undergo great changes , this means private economy has been in transitional period , which is characterized by deep renovation of enterprise culture .

  5. 进入二十一世纪以来,企业面临的经济环境的不确定性加剧,使资产减值会计成为当前各国会计制度规范的热点问题之一。

    After the entry of 21st century , accounting for impairment of assets has become the central issue concerning the regulation of accounting system around the world , owing to the increasing change in the economic environment that the enterprise are involved in .

  6. 相比国外,我国中小企业在特殊的经济环境和金融体制等因素的影响下,融资难问题更加突出。

    Compared to foreign countries , financing problem is more serious under the special economic environment and monetary system .

  7. 但是,现代企业所处的经济环境越来越复杂,传统的杜邦分析体系暴露出许多先天的缺陷。

    However , economic environment is much more complex than before . The traditional DuPont Analysis System revealed some " innate " defects .

  8. 企业面临的市场经济环境务件决定了企业必须创新才能生存发展,而我国企业在市场营销创新方面还存在诸多的问题。

    Under the market economic environment , innovation decides survive of an enterprise . But there exists many problems in innovation of marketing & sales of Chinese enterprises .

  9. 进入21世纪后,我国集装箱港口企业面临的国际经济环境和国际港口市场环境已经发生了深刻的变化,面临的挑战是空前的。

    In entering the 21st century , the international economic environment and port market environment facing Chinese container port companies have undergone profound changes , and thus brought tremendous challenges to those companies .

  10. 在新的经济形势下,企业面临的外部经济环境越来越复杂,客户的需求不断变化,企业对业务创新的要求也愈发强烈。

    Nowadays , companies are facing a more and more complicated environment for a outside economics changing . With the clients ' demands varying , a requirement of innovation from enterprises for new operations becomes excessively intensive .

  11. 废弃烟叶及其下脚料是卷烟生产中的一类大宗副产品,合理开发利用这些生产过程中的下脚料,对提高企业的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益具有重要意义。

    In the cigarette production , abandoned tobacco is a large amount of byproduct , the reasonable development of tobacco castoff and recycling waste can have the huge economic efficiency , the environment benefit and the social benefit .

  12. 民丰农化是氧化铬绿的主要厂家之一,改善我厂氧化铬绿产品质量,尽快提高企业的经济效益和环境效益,关系着企业的发展和前途。

    MinFeng Agricultural and Chemical Factory is one of the main manufacturers producing chromium oxide greens . How to improve the quality of chromium oxide greens and increase economic and environmental benefits as quickly as possible are the keys to our factory 's development and prospect .

  13. 随着改革开放,中国企业所处的经济环境越来越趋于全球化、多元化和信息化,企业面临前所未有的机遇和挑战,企业间的竞争逐步演变为人力资源的竞争。

    With the reform and opening-up of china , the economic environment of Chinese enterprises are in the trends of globalization , informatization and diversification , which have brought both opportunities and challenges for Chinese enterprises . Nowadays the competition of enterprises has evolved to the competition of human resources .

  14. 企业处在多变的社会经济环境中,竞争的关键在于人的素质。

    Among the changeable social economical conditions , the key to competition is the human diathesis .

  15. 从宏观的角度对企业的政治环境、经济环境进行了分析,又对企业所从事业务的行业状况进行了分析。

    Then political circumstance and economic circumstance are separately analyzed from the point of macroscopical view .

  16. 企业处于动态的社会经济环境之中,多种不确定经济因素对于企业供应链的构建和运作影响极大。

    Enterprise is in dynamic economy environment , so various uncertain factors will affect the supply chain structure and corresponding operations .

  17. 首先,研究我国企业绩效评价面临的经济环境,得出企业绩效评价的现实选择。

    First , China enterprise performance evaluation of the economic environment and facing reality choice , enterprise performance evaluation of real options .

  18. 从国内需求角度看,国家竞争优势理论认为,企业所面临的国内经济环境是企业开发其竞争优势的重要影响因素。

    From the perspective of domestic demand , national competitive advantage theory advocates that , domestic economic environment that enterprises face is an essential factor that influences competitive advantage nurturing .

  19. 目前的选址理论绝大部分是静态选址,即地址一旦确定之后基本不会再改变,这并不符合企业所处的实际经济环境。

    Recent location are mostly static site , once that is determined after the address will not change the basic , which is not consistent with the actual economic environment .

  20. 企业的经济理性表明企业环境责任能否有效履行,一定程度上取决于环境规制政策的完善性和执行效率。

    The economic rationality on the part of enterprises shows that whether or not the enterprises can effectively take on the accountability on the environment depends on the perfectness of the environment regulations and their implementation .

  21. 现代企业面临日益复杂的经济环境、日益激烈的市场竞争,面临着重要挑战,企业的管理理念和管理方法需不断更新以适应新形势的要求。

    The modern enterprises are faced with more and more complex economic station and severe market competition 、 faced with tough challenge , they need renew constantly their management thoughts and methods to adapt the requirement of new trend .

  22. 联合国国际劳工组织的经济学家金基范(音)说,亚洲外贸企业的女工是目前经济环境下最容易受到冲击的一个群体,而且其影响是广泛的。

    Kee Beom Kim , an economist with the United Nation 's International Labour Organization , says women in export industries the region are especially vulnerable to the current economic climate . Kim says the consequences are wide ranging .

  23. 随着全球经济一体化愈演愈烈,市场竞争也更加激烈,当企业面对多变的市场经济环境,需要及时进行调整,解决成本、研发周期、库存管理以及物流等一系列问题。

    With the global economic integration , the changing market competition becomes more intense . While facing the diversified market environment , the companies have to adjust themselves including the cost , development cycle , inventory control , logistics etc * .

  24. 然后,对企业面临的外部宏观经济环境和产业环境的诸多因素进行了分析,对照现代企业组织结构的新变化、新趋势、新理念,指出了三联印务组织结构的缺陷。

    Secondly , it analyzes many factors , which the corporation has faced , on Macroeconomics and industrial condition . By comparing the new change , new trend , new principle of the modern business organization structure , thesis points out the defective of the company organization structure .

  25. 近年来,企业面临的国内外经济环境瞬息万变,战略管理己成为企业管理学中的一个重要研究课题,战略管理实践也日益受到企业管理者的高度重视。

    In recent years , the domestic and foreign economic environments of the enterprise faced are fast changing , and the strategy managed oneself has become in the enterprise management science an important research subject , the strategic management practice also day by day receives the enterprise superintendents .

  26. 但由于企业受经济利益因素的驱使,优先注重企业的经济利益,环境投资少,很少考虑环境因素,造成很大的资源浪费与环境问题。

    Because of the interest 's factor urging , enterprises pay great attention to the economic interest first , the environment invests few and they consider the environmental factor little , resulting in significant waste of resources and environmental questions .

  27. 企业财务制度的建设与完善需要税收筹划,当前企业所处的社会经济环境为企业进行税收筹划提供了可能性。

    The construction and perfect of enterprises ' accounting system needs tax management . The present social and economic environment provides a possibility for enterprises to manage tax .