
  1. 企业承担社会责任成本与可持续发展战略

    Social Responsible Costs of Enterprise & Strategy of Sustainable Development

  2. 此外,由于行业特性,实践企业社会责任的成本不同,因此不同行业的结论会存在差异。

    In addition , industry characteristics , the cost of corporate social responsibility practices are different ; the conclusions of different sectors will be different .

  3. 然后,在我国社会责任披露情况基础上,设计适用于我国企业的社会责任成本指标体系,从财务指标和非财务指标两方面对其评价。

    Based on the condition of the disclosure of social responsibility in our country , designed the index system for the cost of corporate social responsibility from non-financial indicators and financial indicators .

  4. 企业是社会的企业,将企业的社会责任成本与企业的可持续发展结合起来,进行社会责任成本相关理论与实务研究,对于企业的长期发展具有重要的现实意义。

    As a part of society , corporate should share the costs of social responsibility . It is of great importance for enterprise 's long-term development to do some theoretical and practical research on costs of social responsibility .