
  1. 企业经营计划目标失误的博弈分析

    Analysis of the Enterprises ' Failing in Planning Objective by Game Theory

  2. 企业经营计划决策支持方法与决策支持系统研究

    Research on Decision Support Methods and Decision Support System for Business Planning

  3. 我国大型企业经营计划实施模式分析

    Study on the Implementation Mode of Business Plan in Large Enterprises in China

  4. 商业企业经营计划优化模型探讨

    An Optimal Management Planning Model for Business Enterprises

  5. 建筑企业经营计划的概念、性质、编制步骤和方法;

    Concept , nature , working out the step and method of the business plan of building enterprise ;

  6. 用运筹学中规划论的一个分支&目标规划来解决施工企业经营计划的问题。

    Gaol programming , a branch of programming theory in operations re-search , is applied to deal with problems in management planning for construction con-ducting enterprise .

  7. 论述了市场经济下企业经营计划管理关于产品选型、规模设计和生产方法的选择,企业物流走向,市场开发与产品开发的关系,以及资源配置等重要内容;

    The paper covers the following important content in business operation and planning management under market economy such as , selection of product model , size design and selection of manufacture methods , material interflow , relationship between market development and product development , and resource disposition .

  8. 企业持续经营计划(BCP)研究&以中国建设银行为例

    The Research on Business Continuity Plan ( BCP ) & Taking China Construction Bank for Example

  9. KPI的目标值所表示的是企业经营的计划值,KPI的实际值反映了企业实际的运营状况。

    The target value of KPI denotes the plan of the enterprise ; the actual value of KPI reflects the running condition of enterprise .

  10. 制造企业生产经营计划的一种智能化计算机辅助编制系统

    Intelligent Computer-aided Formulation System of Production Planning for Manufacturing Factories

  11. 本文首先讨论工业企业生产经营计划中如何确定单目标和多目标第一计划水准的数学模型。

    In this article , We give the mathematical models to determine the frist kind of planning level in single-objective and Multiple - objective of industrial enterprise .

  12. 企业生产经营智能计划决策支持系统的设计

    On the Intelligent Decision Support Systems Design for Production Operating Planning

  13. 企业举债经营的计划与管理研究

    A Study of Planning and Management of Enterprises in Liability

  14. 科学全面的预算管理是企业制定年度经营计划乃至战略目标的基础。

    Scientific and comprehensive budget management is the base of enterprise making annual business plan and strategic objective .

  15. 外资企业的生产经营计划应当报其主管部门备案。

    The production and operating plans of enterprises with foreign capital shall be reported to the competent authorities for the record .

  16. 如应用该计划模型对企业生产经营进行计划调控,计划预测,将提高企业经济效益。

    If the plan model is applied to plan regulation and prediction for enterprise management , the economic efficiency could be improved .

  17. 梅森把她在耶鲁大学管理学院的所学付诸实践,并像经营企业一样经营她的食品计划。

    Ms Mason put into practice what she learned at SOM , and ran her feeding programme like a business .

  18. 政府部门可以此作为制定宏观经济政策的决策依据,企业经营管理者也可以此作为制订企业发展战略和经营计划的重要参考。

    Government departments can use them as decision-making basis to make out macroeconomic policies . The management of the enterprise managers can also use them as an important reference to make out enterprise development strategies and business plans . 3 .

  19. 企业主管部门和各级计划管理部门,不对合营企业下达指令性生产经营计划。

    Neither the department in charge of the venture nor the planning and administrative department at any level shall issue mandatory production or operation plans to the joint venture .

  20. 企业定额是施工企业内部管理的定额,它涉及到企业内部管理的方方面面,包括企业生产经营的计划、组织、协调、控制和指挥等各个环节。

    Enterprise norm is for the internal management of construction enterprises , it involves all aspects of internal management of enterprises , including enterprise production and management of the planning , organization , coordination , control and control , and so on .