
  • 网络Enterprise Capacity Analysis
  1. 其中定位营销要素是指通过顾客分析确定目标市场,通过企业能力分析及竞争分析,明确企业的核心专长与竞争优势,并在此基础上寻得两者的最佳结合点。

    The positioning marketing element is the method that confirm the targeting market from the analysis customer , that define own core specialty and competitive advantage , and that find out the best join between the two element .

  2. 基于BP的企业还款能力分析

    Analysis of the Ability of Paying Back Loans for Enterprises Based on BP Neural Network

  3. 基于AHP的制造企业竞争能力分析指标及权重确定

    Determination of the indices and weights for manufacturing enterprise competitive strength analysis based on AHP

  4. 企业偿债能力分析新探

    The New Research on the Debt Redemption of the Enterprise

  5. 知识转移拓扑结构模型构成与企业能力形成分析

    Topological Structure of Knowledge Transfer Model and Enterprise Ability to Form Analysis

  6. 制造企业竞争能力分析及评价体系研究

    Research and Development of Manufacturing Enterprise Competitive Strength Analysis and Evaluation System

  7. 知识型企业核心能力分析及其综合评价研究

    Core competence analysis and its comprehensive evaluation of the knowledge based enterprise

  8. 基于供应链联盟的企业联盟能力分析

    Analysis of Competency for Alliance Baced on Supply Chain Alliance

  9. 企业核心能力分析及模糊综合评价

    Enterprise 's Core Competence Analysis and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  10. 关于企业获利能力分析的重新思考

    Business Data ENTERPRISE Reconsideration on Analysis of Corporate Profitability

  11. 企业发展能力分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation of Enterprise Development Ability

  12. 接着进行了企业内部能力分析,找出了企业内部能力中的优势和劣势。

    Thirdly , it analyzed the internal capabilities and found the advantage and disadvantage in the company .

  13. 财务分析中的企业偿债能力分析是反映企业财务状况的重要内容,是企业财务分析的重要组成部分。

    Debt-paying Ability Analysis is important to reflect the enterprise financial standings , which is a part of financial analysis .

  14. 第三章和第四章在前述理论的基础上对压力容器事业部进行了产业结构和竞争分析及企业资源能力分析等相关战略分析;

    Both the industry structure and competition structure as well as the enterprise resource and competence for PVD / DBC are analyzed in the third part .

  15. 文章简要讨论了企业偿债能力分析,认为引入公允价值计量后,以经营活动现金流量分析企业偿债能力是一种十分稳健的偿债能力分析方法。

    This paper briefly discusses enterprise debt-payment capability analysis , considering that after bringing in fair value measurement , it is a kind of dovish analysis way of debt-payment ability .

  16. 其次,从企业能力理论分析了劳动产权形成的内在机理和现实原因;

    Secondly , the paper analyzes the inherent mechanism on how the property rights of labor form and whose realistic reasons from the angle of the ability theory of firm .

  17. 构建企业并购能力分析框架需要从这三个方面入手,着力做好外部环境分析、内部资源分析和管理能力分析。

    Setting up the analysis framework of capability of M & A needs to start from the three aspects and to focus on the analysis of the external environment , internal resources and capability of management .

  18. 基于资源的企业营销能力分析框架由三个层次的内容构成:营销文化、营销战略与营销运作,它是企业在与环境互动过程中实现竞争优势的重要手段。

    The composition of corporate marketing capacity includes three elements : marketing culture , marketing strategy and marketing operation which serves as the important means to realize competitive adventages in the interaction between enterprises and environment .

  19. 第二章简明扼要的介绍了产业结构分析和企业资源能力分析等企业战略理论;

    The second part , the second chapter , introduces two kinds of enterprises strategy theories & The Industrial Organizational Structure Mode and The Enterprises Resource Structure Mode , both of which lay the foundation for the strategy analysis in the next part .

  20. 电网经营企业客户盈利能力分析的必要性

    The necessity of customer profitability analysis for the grid operation group

  21. 第三章:企业竞争能力的分析框架从竞争业绩、竞争潜力和战略转化三个层次来构造企业竞争能力的分析框架。

    Chapter Three : The frame of enterprise 's competence analysis .

  22. 顾客与企业赢利能力关系分析

    An Analysis on the Relationship between Customers and Enterprises Profitability

  23. 我国信息企业技术创新能力分析

    Analysis of the Capacity of Technological Innovation of Information Enterprises in China

  24. 国有企业的改制能力分析

    Analysis of the Ability of State owned Enterprises to Change Their System

  25. 中国上市企业的创值能力分析

    An Analysis on the Performance of Chinese Listed Companies for Value Creation

  26. 基于模块化理论提升企业自主创新能力分析

    On Enhancing the Capability of Independent Innovation Based on the Modular Theory

  27. 浅论施工企业短期偿债能力分析方法

    On Analysis Method of Short-Term Debt-Paying Ability of Construction Industry

  28. 四川省工业企业电价承受能力分析

    Analysis on Acceptable Electricity Price for Sichuan Industrial Enterprises

  29. 应用权变模型提出了企业动态能力的分析逻辑和基本判据。

    The analysis logic and estimating basis are provided according the contingent model .

  30. 增强企业核心竞争能力分析

    Analysis for Strengthening Competition Power of Core of Enterprise