
  1. 企业货币资金管理理论及实践研究

    Study on the Theory and Practice of Enterprise Monetary Fund Administration

  2. 企业货币资金控制管理之我见

    My Opinion on Control and Management of Enterprise Money Fund

  3. 控股企业货币资金委托集中管理探索

    Research of Centralized Management for Holding Enterprises ' Monetary Fund by Authorization

  4. 邮政企业货币资金内部控制审计研究

    A Research on Internal Control and Audit of Currency Funds in Postal Enterprises

  5. 以西南油气田分公司为例探讨企业货币资金内部控制的重点和方法。

    The focal point and method for internal control for an enterprise 's monetary capital are analyzed with Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company as example .

  6. 通过货币资金内部控制,确保企业货币资金安全、完整,生产经营活动正常有效地运行。

    It is made sure that money fund is safe and complete , production management activity runs normally and effectively , with the internal control of money fund .

  7. 本文拟就运用内部控制理论的最新进展来分析如何加强大陆台资企业货币资金的管理和控制,以实现企业经营管理的目标。

    This paper intends to use the latest progress of the internal control theory to analyze how to strengthen the currency of business within China funds management and control .

  8. 指出了企业货币资金管理中存在的漏洞,给出了货币资金管理应遵循的原则及加强和完善企业货币资金管理的办法。

    The paper pointes out shortage of enterprise currency fund management , gives the principle of enterprise currency fund and the methods of strengthening and improving the method of enterprise currency fund .

  9. 依据相关管理规范,提出了邮政企业货币资金内部控制审计的工作流程以及货币资金内控审计实施的主要内容。

    According to relevant management regulation , it brings forward the working process of internal control audit in postal enterprises and the main contents during the execution of internal control and audit of currency funds .

  10. 结算中心作为财务管理系统的新机制,可以有效地控制企业的货币资金,减少财务费用,提高企业经济效益。

    The settlement center serving as innovative mechanism of financial management system can effectively control enterprise capital fund , reducing financial expenses and other related charges so as to improve economic efficiency .

  11. 货币资金控制是指企业为保证货币资金信息的准确、可靠而采取的一系列相互制约与协调的方法、措施和程序。

    Money-capital control refers to a series of methods and processes of coordinating and conditioning one another in order to ensure the exact and reliable information about money-capital .

  12. 货币性项目,是指企业持有的货币资金和将以固定或可确定的金额收取的资产或者偿付的负债。

    The " monetary item " shall refer to the money held by an enterprise and the assets and liabilities to be received or paid in fixed or determinable amounts of money .

  13. 企业应通过建立货币资金定量控制模型,对货币资金存量进行控制,以满足财务适应性的要求。

    The enterprise can control its reserve of cash capital through establishing a capital ration controlling model .

  14. 当货币政策利好于资本市场的消息时,企业和居民的货币资金大量进入证券市场,股价迅速攀升。

    When monetary policy has good news to capital market , funds of enterprise and resident enter the stock market in great quantities .

  15. 商业银行不是一般的企业,而是经营货币资金的金融企业,它所开展的业务活动决定了其在国民经济中扮演重要的角色。

    Commercial banks are not normal enterprises but financial enterprises which take cash capital as their input and output . Their business activities make their role played in the national economy .

  16. 联系企业实际,通过对当前企业货币资金内部控制中存在问题的分析,才能提出加强企业货币资金内部控制的对策。

    The problems in the current internal control of monetary fund of the enterpriser are analyzed and some measures are proposed to improve the current system .

  17. 企业经营者和其他利益相关者在关注企业经营状况的同时,也日益重视企业货币资金的流入和流出,从某种意义上说,企业获取现金的能力比获取利润的能力更加重要。

    Business operators and other stakeholders concern about business conditions in the same time , increasing emphasis on corporate currency inflows and outflows , in a sense , business can obtain cash profit of more than ability more important .