
Embattled Senator Roland Burris is ignoring calls for his resignation . The Illinois Democratic reportedly met with federal authorities during the weekend about conflicting statement that he gave when he testified that he had no contact with staffers for now former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich .
And then there 's Shantell Steve , from my hometown of Chicago , Illinois .
It 's that sense of familiarity that strikes me wherever I travel across Illinois .
In February the state borrowed $ 3.7 billion from the bond markets just to fund its pension contribution .
Roland Burris , who was appointed by Illinois 's governor , Rod Blagojevich , to fill Barack Obama 's vacant Senate seat .
Illinois House impeaches governor Rod Blagojevich , now it 's up to the Senate to decide if he should be removed from office .
That support was reciprocated , as Washington helpedelect a generation of young , progressive Latinos to the Chicagocity council and the Illinois state legislature .
If I remembered correctly , Senator , you started this presidential quest in Springfield , IL with a Lincoln style statement that Americans are one people .
It is no fault of the workers that the state has not funded the pensions properly , or that a banking crisis has caused the stockmarkets to underperform .
Burris was seated only after testifying before Illinois House Committee considering Blagojevich 's indictment and telling lawmakers he had only spoken to the governor 's former chief of staff .