
huì yuán zhènɡ
  • membership card
  1. 由俱乐部统一发放会员证;

    The right to get a membership card issued by the club ;

  2. 我带了驾照,会员证及护照。

    I have a driver 's licence , a membership card and my passport .

  3. 不要再去办健身馆的会员证了,在家里做运动也一样。

    Cut back on gym membership costs by exercising at home .

  4. 他们准备下个月发新会员证。

    They 're going to issue new membership cards next month .

  5. 通过讨论,决定制作会员证并加强对会员证的运用。

    Determine to make membership cards and strengthen their application through discussion .

  6. 然后你会收到你的会员证。

    You will then receive your club membership .

  7. 三个受害者都持有该俱乐部会员证。

    Our three VICS were all card-carrying members .

  8. 如未附上会员证副本,恕不办理。

    Booking will not be processed without a copy of the membership card attached .

  9. 请出示你们的会员证。

    Need to see your membership cards .

  10. 我将在出席记录上弄虚作假,用伪造的名字填写会员证。

    I would falsify the attendance records by filling out membership cards with fictitious names .

  11. 持会员证购物可享受折扣优待。

    On production of your membership card , you will receive a discount on purchases .

  12. 倘若会员证遭遗失或被窃,须立即通知本会。

    If the card is lost or stolen , it should be reported immediately to the club .

  13. 他开始在脑海里清点装在钱夹里的信用卡、钞票、会员证、身份证等东西。

    His mind begins enumerating the credit cards , the currency , the membership and identification cards ;

  14. 所有累积或扣除分数活动,必须使用有效之会员证才可进行。

    All bonus points activities , accumulation or redemption , can only be processed with valid membership card .

  15. 难道为供养了巧克力而被没收会员证吗?

    Do you know that many people get their ID card confiscated because they give him some chocolate ?

  16. 他们拒绝让她进入,很重要的一个原因是她没有带会员证。

    They refused to admit her , not least because she hadn 't got her membership card with her .

  17. 职工消费合作社给每位持工会会员证的顾客享受优惠待遇。

    Everyone who Bears a trade union certificate may enjoy preferential treatment from the Workers and Staffs Consumption Cooperative .

  18. 凭会员证可免费进入狗会会员席观赏赛事。

    Free entry to the Macau Canidrome Club and Macau Jockey Club member 's enclosure to attend all race meetings .

  19. 由于我是预注册人员,所以我只需要向他们提供姓名,然后立即就拿到了会员证!

    The process was a breeze , and since I was preregistered , all I had to do was give them my name , and in a snap I got my badge !

  20. 得出如下结论:(1)对公众球场进行了概念界定,公众高尔夫球场是指为普及高尔夫球运动,不发行终身会员证,面向社会公众公开开放的标准型高尔夫球场。

    The conclusions as follows : ( 1 ) The definition of public golf course is introduced in this thesis , public golf course means the standard golf courses which have the popularization of golf , have no issuing lifelong membership card , and are open to the social public .

  21. 会员出示会员证便可入场。

    Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card .

  22. 新会员于收到会员证后应立刻于证上签署,而会员证上之签名须与申请表上之签名相同。

    The new member must sign the card using the same signature as on the application form immediately upon receiving the card .

  23. 新会员申请表/会员换证申请表

    Application Form for New Membership / Renewal of Membership

  24. 噢,一般而言,最好成为一名会员,因此最好申请一张会员证。

    Well , generally speaking , you should become a member of the sports club , so you should apply for a membership .

  25. 会员方面,存在着只交会费,发放会员证,而没有经常性活动的现象,以至于会员容易发展,但难以巩固;干部方面,中苏友协缺乏素质较强的核心干部队伍。

    In the member system , there were only dues , issuing membership cards , without regular activities that members would attend . So it was easy to develop the membership , but hard to remain it . As for cadre system , it was the lack of core cadres .

  26. 会费连同会员档案表一起由邮局汇寄,协会即核发会员证。

    You will receive the membership card awarded by Association soon after you sent the fee and member application table through post office .

  27. 会员于享用本会所提供之设施及服务时,须于被要求时出示会员证作为其会籍的证明。

    The card must be produced upon request as proof of membership to enable the member to enjoy the facilities and services offered to members .