
huì yào
  • Will want;a compilation of State regulations;compendium of government and social institutions;record or social backgrounds of a dynasty
会要 [huì yào]
  • [a compilation of State regulations] 用于记录一个朝代中各种规程制度及其变化状况的书

  • 《明会要》

会要[huì yào]
  1. 她怎么会要嫁给他呢?她准是脑子有毛病了。

    Why does she want to marry him ? She must have taken leave of her senses .

  2. 发烧的孩子不愿吃东西,只会要冷饮。

    A feverish child refuses to eat and asks only for cold drinks

  3. 香烟,谁会要呀?

    Cigarettes , who needs them ?

  4. 除非医生告诉他喝酒会要他的命,否则他是不会戒酒的。

    He won 't stop drinking unless he 's told by a doctor that it 's killing him .

  5. 她料想他会要一杯苏格兰威士忌,所以当他请她调一杯马提尼酒加柠檬水时,她有点不知所措。

    She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini and lemonade .

  6. 即使那会要我的命,我也一定要做。

    I will do it if it kill me .

  7. 对不起,我不能参加你们的聚会,因为那天晚上我有个会要参加。

    I 'm sorry I can 't attend your party , but I have a meeting on for that night .

  8. 如果被人驯服了,就可能会要哭的……

    One runs the risk of weeping a little , if one lets himself be tamed …

  9. AOP常常会要修改字节码,但又完全不需要理解class文件的格式。

    AOP make bytecode changes normal , without requiring understanding of the class file format .

  10. 那是我的代理人,他说subaru可能会要我为做他们做广告。

    That was my agent . he , uh , he just told me Subaru might want to use me for an ad campaign .

  11. 时,美国人会要一扎生啤(I'llhaveadraft)或一瓶某个牌子的啤酒(I'llhaveabottleofBudweiser.来瓶百威),或说来两杯啤酒:“Twobeers,please.”

    Americans ask for a glass of draft beer (" I 'll have a draft ") or a bottle of a specific brand (" I 'll have a bottle of Budweiser "), or say something like ," Two beers , please . "

  12. 不是那个生活,我会要那个皮卡。

    Not that piece , I 'll have the pick-up truck .

  13. 根据所得的结果,哪些特别的行动可能会要禁止?

    Which special actions were defined , based on these results ?

  14. 我本以为刚开始的头痛会要我的命。

    I thought the headaches at first were gonna kill me .

  15. 然而战争的过程究竟会要怎么样?

    But what actually will be the course of the war ?

  16. 他为什么会要读你妈妈来的信呢?

    Why would he want to read a letter from your mother ?

  17. 他大量饮酒总有一天会要他的命。

    His heavy drinking will be the end of him one day .

  18. 你想他们会要我们在门口检查我们的信仰?

    You think they make us check our beliefs at the door ?

  19. 有个倒霉的家伙会要寻找这些钥匙的。

    Some poor soul will be looking for these keys .

  20. 我会要那个泥巴种好看,记住我的话吧。

    I 'm gonna get that jumped-up mudblood ! Mark my words .

  21. 冷静点,我会要你好看的。

    Just be calm . I don 't have to take this .

  22. 线球谁会要

    A ball of twine ? Who 's gonna want that ? Whoo !

  23. 那你待会要住在那儿?

    Wait . well , where do you live ?

  24. 我们问她是否有什么人会要杀死她的丈夫。

    We asked her if anyone had a motive to kill her husband .

  25. 如果你动一下,天知道他们会要干什么。

    You move and there 's no telling what they 're gonna do .

  26. 看到我们在挖坟墓,他们会要逃跑的。

    If the new prisoners see us digging graves , they may run .

  27. 我确定你待会要介绍我。

    I 'm sure you 'll introduce me later .

  28. 如果我赢了,我会要你的一些东西。

    For something of yours , if I win .

  29. 战争会要我们在生命财产方面作出巨大的牺牲。

    A war would demand of us enormous sacrifices of life and property .

  30. 我有一个重要的会要参加。

    I have an important meeting to attend .