
sǎn shénɡ
  • suspension lines
  1. 计算机发动马达调整伞绳。

    The computer tells the motor to adjust the tetherson the chute .

  2. 伞绳和伞衣处理成非线性弹性构件。

    The radial members and gores are regarded as non linear elastic materials .

  3. 血沾在伞绳上,脑浆涂满了伞盖。

    There was blood upon the risers , there were brains upon the'chute .

  4. 末敏弹二体运动模型计算中伞绳张力的求解

    Suspension line tension problems in a target sensitivity projectile solved as a two-body model

  5. 对伞包拉绳断裂故障的分析

    Failure analysis for the broken bridle of parachute packs

  6. 翼伞空投操纵绳拉动过程中的位置解算

    Position Prediction of Parafoil in Control Rope Pulling Course

  7. 将充满的伞看成柔软的壳体,用力学原理建立伞绳(伞衣上径向加强带)和伞衣幅中线的力平衡方程。

    The canopy under inflation is regarded as a soft shell , and the equilibrium equations in the radial member and gore centerline are established by mechanics theorems .

  8. 运用简化的模型初步分析了在不同大气密度、初始开伞速度下的充气环境对降落伞充气时间、充气距离,伞绳最大拉力的影响。

    The influence of atmosphere density and initial velocity on the parachute inflation times , inflation distance and max strain of suspension-line were analyzed by the simplified model .

  9. 由此得出主伞开伞失败的原因是由于开伞过程中张紧的伞绳受别的物体(如伞舱口、伞舱盖以及空中其他飞行物)的碰撞造成的。

    Thus , the reason for the failure that deploying main parachute is that the tightened lines are impacted by other objects ( just as parachute module scoop , other flyers in the air ) in the process of deploying main parachute .

  10. 研究结果表明,牵顶伞和剥离带能够减小抽打速度、抽打幅度和抽打弧度,改善伞绳和伞衣的张力分布,有效抑制抽打现象的发生。

    The results indicated that the attached apex drogue and peel off band could minish the velocity , range and radian of bull whipping , reform the distribution of tensile force in the lines and canopy , and restrain the forming of bull whipping phenomenon effectively .

  11. 通常伞完全打开需要一小会儿&这非常正常,还有也取决于您的双臂控制伞绳的情况。

    It takes a while before the whole glider is completely inflated-that is pretty normal , and also depends on the way you hold the lines between you arms .