
  • 网络The Turning Point;The Great Turning Point;Great Transitions
  1. 然而克里斯蒂安•卡里尔(ChristianCaryl)在看待1970年代时,看到的不仅仅是萎靡不振;他看到了历史上最伟大的转折点之一。

    But Christian Caryl sees more than malaise when he looks at the 1970s ; he sees one of history 's great turning points .

  2. 这是我国历史上的一个伟大的转折。

    This is a great turning point in China 's history .

  3. 他看到了历史上最伟大的转折点之一。

    he sees one of history 's great turning points . '

  4. 19世纪对于欧洲来说,不仅在历史上是一个伟大的转折,而且在艺术上也是一个重要的转折时期。

    The 19th century it , not only in Europe in history is a great turning point in art , and is also an important turning point .

  5. 现代化是人类社会历史发展的一个伟大的历史转折。

    Modernization is a great turning point of human social history .

  6. 伟大的历史转折与中国特色社会主义道路的开辟

    The Great Turning Point in History and the Opening of the Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics

  7. 科学发展观立足于人与自然、人与社会、人与人自身这三重关系的协调性去建构新的发展模式,实现了从传统发展观到科学发展观伟大而深刻的转折。

    The scientific developmental view is based on the harmonious relationship between people and nature , people and society , people and himself , then constructs the new developmental mode and realizes the profound transition from the traditional developmental view to the scientific .