
  • 网络Infectious disease control;infection control;Communicable disease control
  1. 斯文.霍夫纳是索尔纳瑞典传染病控制学会的一名分支杆菌病学家,他说,抗药性结核病是一个“人为的难题”,通常是由于没有有效药物或药物质量差而导致的。

    Sven hoffner , a clinical mycobacteriologist at the Swedish Institute for communicable disease control in Solna , says that drug-resistant tuberculosis is " a manmade problem " , often because drugs are not available or of poor quality .

  2. 柬埔寨卫生部传染病控制司与合作伙伴共同建立哨点监测系统。

    The Communicable Disease Control department of the Ministry of Health in Cambodia worked with partners to establish the sentinel surveillance system .

  3. 非政府组织(NGO)参与我国重大传染病控制的治理模式研究

    Research on the Pattern of Non-government Organization ( NGO ) Participate in the Management of Major Infective Desease in China

  4. 信息系统对传染病控制业务支持能力评价

    Evaluation of information system 's supporting ability in infectious disease control

  5. 传染病控制的国际环境保护法律问题研究

    Study on International Environmental Law Issues on Infectious Diseases Control

  6. 年龄结构的致命性传染病控制模型

    A controlled age-structured population model for the spread of universally fatal diseases

  7. 该医院已经为自身在传染病控制上的疏漏道歉。

    The hospital has apologized for the loopholes in its infection control .

  8. 控制质量的容许度检验器第三章实验动物的检疫和传染病控制

    Chapter III The Quarantine of Experimental Animals and the Control of Their Infectious Diseases

  9. 传染病控制与国际法

    On controlling infectious disease and international law

  10. 因此,加强学校传染病控制和监测刻不容缓。

    Therefore , it is urgent to enhance the infectious disease control and monitoring in school .

  11. 你们的议程正确地指出,传染病控制是一项未完成的任务。

    As your agenda rightly notes , the control of infectious diseases is an unfinished business .

  12. 该项目在人道主义援助行动中,传染病控制的相关问题上提供技术和操作方面的具体支持。

    The program provides technical and operational support for control of communicable diseases in humanitarian emergencies .

  13. 在未来几天中,腹泻病和呼吸道感染等传染病控制将是令人关切的又一重大问题。

    Control of communicable diseases , such as diarrhoeal diseases and respiratory infections , will be another major concern in coming days .

  14. 上海市杨浦区中小学、托幼机构传染病控制现状及管理对策

    Analysis on the Control Situation and Management Measures of Infectious Disease in Primary & Middle Schools and Kindergartens in Yangpu District of Shanghai

  15. 本章主要研究广义的国际环境法与传染病控制的关系,涉及到自然环境保护、动植物卫生、生物安全与保障等问题。

    All materials and analysis reveal that , international law on human rights is the only regime that directly deals with domestic infectious diseases control .

  16. 鉴于疫苗在许多传染病控制中无可比拟的作用,试图发展血吸虫病疫苗是二十世纪六十年代以来世界各国有关科学家为之奋斗的目标。

    Based on the incomparable virtue of vaccine in controlling of many infectious diseases , anti-schistosomiasis vaccine development has been the objective of scientists in the world for past half century .

  17. 阻隔控制作为应急控制的一种非常有效的方法已经在实际中被大量采用,例如传染病控制、网络蠕虫爆发控制和电力系统解列控制等,但关于该策略的系统理论尚未得到充分的探讨。

    As a kind of effective emergency control , isolation control has been widely employed in practice , such as epidemics control , Internet worm outbreak control , power system splitting and etc. But the theory of this strategy has not been discussed systemically .

  18. SIR型传染病模糊控制模型及其应用

    The Fuzzy Control Model on Infection of SIR Type and its Application

  19. 当R0>1时,数值模拟表明媒体的影响是比较大的,此时系统将出现多个正平衡点,这就对传染病的控制和预测带来了困难。

    Numerical simulations suggests that when R_0 > 1 and the media impact is stronger enough , the model exhibits multiple positive equilibria which poses challenge to control and predict of infectious disease .

  20. 健康教育在传染病预防控制中的作用探讨

    Action of Health Education in Prevention and Control of Contagions Disease

  21. 汶川大地震后理县传染病预防控制的措施和效果

    Measures for controlling and preventing infectious diseases in Li county after Wenchuan earthquake

  22. 目的为建立中小城市外来人口的传染病预防控制的模式提供依据。

    Objective To establish a model on infectious control in the increasing migrant population in small-and medium-sized cities .

  23. 如今,联合国大家庭的更多组织在全球传染病的控制方面直接或间接地发挥了重要作用。

    Today many organizations in the UN family play a vital role in global communicable disease control-directly or indirectly .

  24. 方法对284位外出打工的农民工进行了随机抽样传染病预防控制知识调查。

    Methods 284 peasant-workers were sampled at random to evaluate their knowledge about the control and prevention of infectious diseases .

  25. 但是,很多灾后医疗救援行动仅集中在急性医疗救助及传染病的控制方面。

    Nevertheless , many post-disaster medical relief intervention programmes only focus on the provision of acute medical services and the control of communicable diseases .

  26. 政府将不断做出稳定的努力,在紧急医疗地区进一步实施新的措施以及对传染病的控制。

    The government will continue to make steady efforts to further develop innovative projects in the areas of emergency medical care and infectious disease control .

  27. 尽管上述很多项目均取得了成功,但并非所有国家均有情趣为传染病预防控制工作申请后续贷款。

    Despite the success of many of these operations , not all countries are interested in follow-up borrowing for improving infectious disease prevention and control .

  28. 工作重点应放在社区的急救、康复、传染病流行控制、计划免疫的实施、精神和心理健康保健等方面。

    The focal point should be put on community , including first aid , rehabilitation , controlling some infectious diseases , immunization and psychophysiological health protection .

  29. 目的了解广西县级以上综合医院传染病预防控制和医院感染控制工作的状况,促进医院传染病管理创新研究。

    Objectives Finding out the working condition of hospitals that at and above the county leve lin Guangxi Province , strengthening hospital infectious disease management innovation research .

  30. 通过对具有预防接种的流型模型的研究,可以找到更好地控制流行病传播的方法,这对于人类的健康和传染病的控制工作有着重要的理论和现实意义。

    A better way to control the spread of the epidemic can be found . It will have a very important theoretical and practical significance to the human health and the controlling of epidemic diseases .