
  • 网络transmission signal;transmitted signal;TRANSFER;STS;STS-N
  1. 该方案可以用于需要以脉冲编码调制方式传输信号的便携式测量系统。

    This method can be widely used in the portable measurement system which needs transfer signal through PCM modulation .

  2. 该结构运用电压倍增器获得高压,此高压使开关产生的恒定大跨导和大信号摆幅能够在低压电路中传输信号,虚拟开关提高了信号传输精度。

    A large conductance and large signal swing can be obtained with the application of clock multiplier , which structure can be used to transfer signals in the circuit with extremely low supply voltage .

  3. 网络控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems),是经网络传输信号的指反馈控制系统。

    Networked Control Systems ( NCS ) are feedback control systems in which signal is transmitted through networks .

  4. 电力线载波(PowerLineCarrier,PLC)通信是一种基于电力线传输信号的技术。

    Power Line Carrier ( PLC ) communication is a technology using the power line to transmit data .

  5. 基于导频的HDTV地面传输信号OFDM解调同步技术

    Synchronization of OFDM System Transmitting the Terrestrial HDTV Signal through Pilots

  6. 但是OFDM系统有着一个主要的缺点,那就是传输信号拥有相当大的峰值平均功率比(PAPR)。

    One of the main implementation disadvantages of OFDM is the high peak-to-average power ratio ( PAPR ) of the transmitted signals .

  7. 但是,OFDM系统中传输信号会产生很大的峰均功率比,这样就对发射机内放大器的线性提出了很高的要求。

    However , in OFDM system the transmitted signals can bring a great peak to average power ratio , so that the linearity of the amplifier within the transmitter is imposed very high demand .

  8. 文章提出了采用最小频移键控(MSK)技术与调频超短波无线电技术相结合传输信号的方法。

    This paper puts forward the signals transmission method combining the MSK technique with the radio technique of frequency modulated ultra short waves .

  9. 因此脉冲成形技术不仅能对传输信号进行频谱成形来提高系统的频带利用率,而且还可以减小信号的PAPR值。

    Thus pulse shaping technique can be used not only shape the spectrum of the transmitted signal to increase the bandwidth efficiency but also to reduce its PAPR .

  10. 体外向体内传输信号采用调制E类放大器输入电压的方式;体内向体外传输信号采用阻抗调制的方式,两种方式的信号接收均采用包络检波的方式把信号解调出来。

    Modulating input voltage is used to transmit signals from in vitro to in vivo , and modulating impedance is used to transmit signals from in vivo to in vitro . Envelope detection is used to demodulate signals in both of these two signal transmission methods .

  11. MIMO技术(多输入多输出技术)就是在发射端和接收端分别使用多个发射天线和接收天线传输信号,利用无线信道的多径传播特性来提高系统的性能,从而显著提高信道容量。

    MIMO ( Multi-InPut and Multi-OutPut ) makes use of multi-antennae at transmitting and receiving side to transmit signals , and the multi-paths spreading characters of wireless channel to improve the performance of the system and the capability of the channel .

  12. 恒模算法(CMA)被广泛地应用到盲自适应波束形成中,除了传输信号波形具有恒定的包络外,CMA不需要先验知识。

    Constant modulus algorithm ( CMA ) is a well-known blind adaptive beamforming method as it requires no pre-knowledge about the signal except that the transmitted signal waveform should have a constant envelope .

  13. 利用MATLAB/Simulink对LMS自适应均衡器的收敛速度、误码率等指标进行仿真模拟,仿真结果表明,此LMS自适应均衡器对通过非理想信道的QAM传输信号具有较好的均衡性能。

    MATLAB / Simulink can be used to simulate the convergence rate and symbol error rate ( SER ) of LMS adaptive equalizer . Simulation result demonstrates that the proposed equalizer has a better performance for QAM signal transmitted through the nonideal channel .

  14. 在直接序列扩频(DSSS)信号中,一个符号信息与一个伪随机序列相乘来扩展频谱,使之在信道容量一定时,降低可传输信号的信噪比容限。

    In Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum ( DSSS ) signal , a symbol information is multiplied with a pseudo-random sequence to spread the spectrum , so when the channel capacity is fixed , the Signal-to-Noise Ratio ( SNR ) tolerance of the transmission signal can be reduced .

  15. 去年,Rauscher报告,至少对老鼠而言,一首莫扎特钢琴奏鸣曲似乎激活了涉及大脑里传输信号的神经细胞的三种基因。

    Last year , Rauscher reported that , for rats at least , a Mozart piano sonata seems to stimulate activity in three genes involved in nerve-cell signalling in the brain .

  16. 该平台可以实现传输信号的线性放大,从而提高信号的传输质量,降低误码。文章首先对IMT-Advanced系统的研究现状、标准进展及技术特点进行了介绍。

    The transmitted signal can be amplified linearly in this platform , thus the system performance is enhanced in terms of nice signal transmission and low bit error ratio . First , the current research status , standards evolution and technical features are introduced in this thesis .

  17. 探测、解调并放大传输信号的电子设备。

    An electronic device that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals .

  18. 煤矿井下无线通信传输信号最佳频率选择

    Choice of optimal frequency for radio communication in mine tunnel

  19. 用光纤电缆传输信号的多种频率阵列声波测井

    Multi-frequency Array Acoustic Logging With Fiber Optic Cable Transmitting Signal

  20. 一种能传输信号的信道或导线。

    A channel or conductor capable of transmitting signals .

  21. 动物的眼睛是传输信号的重要部位。

    Eyes in animals are an important signalling area .

  22. 一种可被调制以传输信号的无线电波。

    A radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal .

  23. 传输信号中可以听见的部分。

    The audible part of a transmitted signal .

  24. 在铜导线中,晶界的存在以及晶界数量的多少对传输信号有显著影响。

    In the copper wires , grain boundaries markedly affect the quality of signal transmission .

  25. 12路40Gb/s甚短距离并行光传输信号转换器研究

    Research on signal converter of 12-channel 40Gb / s very short reach parallel optical transmission system

  26. 40Gb/s甚短距离并行光传输信号格式转换模块实现

    Accomplishment of signal transformation module of 40 Gbit / s very short reach parallel optical transmission system

  27. 介绍了时变信道对传输信号的影响以及时变信道的特点。

    The effect of time-varied channel on the transmitted signal and its characteristics are introduced in the article .

  28. 论文首先分析了无线衰落信道特性,详细讨论了移动无线信道的各种传播特性,其中移动无线信道的小尺度衰落是讨论的重点,也讨论了多普勒频移对传输信号的影响。

    Several characteristics of wireless communications fading channel and various effects of radio propagations are analyzed in detail .

  29. 同时移动无线环境中的传输信号总是被收发信机之间的许多障碍物所反射,从而产生多径信道。

    Multipath channel exists in the wireless environment for radio signal reflection by obstacles between transmitters and receivers .

  30. 在目前经济和技术条件下,只能选择地面通信系统传输信号。

    Under the present economic and technological condition , we can only use ground communication system to transmit signals .