
  • 网络transmission parameters;TPS;mpls-tp
  1. 而负载控制是无线资源管理中的重要组成部分,它通过为不同的业务选择合适的实时传输参数,保证了业务的服务质量(QoS)和系统的稳定性。

    As an important part of RRM , congestion control guarantees the QoS requirement and stability of system , by choosing the appropriate transmission parameters for different services .

  2. OFDM系统的自适应技术,是根据各个子信道的特性,自适应的调整信号的传输参数,包括调制方式,编码方式,发射功率等,实现对信道的充分利用,提高通信系统的传输性能。

    The adaptive technology of OFDM systems is based on the characteristics of each child channel , adaptive adjustments of signal transmission parameters includes modulation mode , coding mode and transmit power .

  3. 首先,将线路的传输参数矩阵转化为两端口节点导纳矩阵,得到P型等值模型集总参数。

    Firstly , the two-port transmission parameter matrix of UHV transmission lines is transformed to the node admittance matrix , therefore , the lumped parameters of strict equivalent P model is obtained .

  4. 负载控制是无线资源管理中重要的一部分,它通过为不同业务选择合适的实时传输参数来达到合适的QoS和保持系统工作在稳定状态。

    As the important part of RRM , congestion control can determine the appropriate transmission parameter for AT and keep the system in a steady state .

  5. OFDM调度通过跨层设计优化用户业务分组的服务质量(QoS)性能,根据无线信道在时间、频率和空间上的变化,自适应地选择传输参数。

    OFDM scheduling optimizes the quality of service ( QoS ) performance of users ' packets by means of cross-layer design , and selected adaptively transmission parameters according to wireless channels ' changes in time , frequency and space .

  6. 作为优化设计DMS系统传输参数的例子,改建后的干线网的传输特性和眼图性能良好,基本上能得到理想的结果。

    For a example in optimization of designing the DMS system , the rebuilt backbone network has good transmission characteristic and fine eye figure , which can be a good results .

  7. 介绍了TCM/8PSKDR/IDR和QPSK/IDK的工作方式以及主要传输参数,就两者对卫星转发器频带和功率利用率进行了比较;

    It introduces the operating methods and main transmission parameters of TCM / 8SPSK / IDR and QPSK / IDR , compares their usage of frequency band and power of satellite transponder .

  8. 用小型化固体激光器和LPE-1B激光能量/功率计,测定了两分束器的激光能量耦合、传输参数,结果表明总耦合率达到81.27%。

    By small-sized solid laser and LPE-1B laser energy / power meter , etc. , the laser energy coupling and transmitting parameter of energy were measured . Result showed that the total coupling efficiency can reach up to 81.27 % .

  9. 高温环境对振动测试信号传输参数的影响

    Effects on transmission parameters of vibration measurement for high temperature environment

  10. 电力线通信中三导体电缆高频传输参数模型

    Modeling of high-frequency transmission parameters of triple-pole cables for power line communications

  11. GB/T7440-1987通信明线传输参数的计算方法和测试方法

    Calculating methods and measuring methods for transmission parameters of open-wire communication lines

  12. 单线&大地回路传输参数的测试

    Transmission Parameter Measurement of Single Line - Earth Return

  13. 第三章以增大求解的收敛域为主要目标,将同伦方法引入非饱和土中污染物非平衡传输参数反演问题的求解。

    In chapter 3 , the aim is targeted at widening the convergence region of the method .

  14. 为寻求电力线通信中对称三导体电缆的高频传输参数的一般模型,定义了对称三导体电缆的两种不同工作模式。

    Two transmission modes are defined in a general model for the HF transmission parameters of triple-pole cables .

  15. 推导出双口网络串联、并联、级联的逆传输参数间的等效变换关系。

    The relations between inverse transmission parameters of the two-port network and networks in series , parallel or cascade connection are deduced .

  16. 微波有源模块因为腔体的原因造成自激和传输参数的恶化一直是微波电路设计的难点之一。

    The problems of self-excitation and worsening of S-Parameter caused by structure of microwave active module always happen in the design of microwave circuits .

  17. 测量了拉制成的有孔光纤的数值孔径和归一化频率等传输参数,并基于有效折射率方法与理论值进行了比较。

    Transmission parameters such as numerical aperture and normalized frequency of the fabricated holey fibers have been measured and compared with theoretical values based on effective index method .

  18. 应用微波等效网络方法,分析了在两种场型激励下单元折线栅对应的传输参数矩阵;

    On basis of derivation of equivalent admittance and impedance corresponding to E type and H type excitation to meander line , the transmission matrix of meander-line unit layer is constructed .

  19. 认知无线电技术能够监测到无线电环境中已存在的用户,同时监控频谱资源的使用情况,并能动态地调整各无线用户的传输参数,从而提高频谱资源的利用率。

    Cognitive radio can monitor the existed user in the radio environment and the usage of spectrum resources , and adjust the transmission parameters dynamically to utilize the spectrum resources efficiently .

  20. 根据信源数据特征和信道质量来改变传输参数的自适应机制是保证移动多媒体业务有效传输的重要方法之一。

    It is an effective way to transmit multimedia applications with mobile access by varying transmitting signal 's parameters according to both the natures of source data and the conditions of current channel .

  21. 介绍一种对匹配型单模光纤的传输参数(色散、模场直径、截止波长、非线性截面积等)进行综合测量的方法。

    A method is presented to measure the transmission parameters ( dispersion , MFD , cut off wavelength , non linear effective area and so on ) of the match cladding single mode optical fiber synthetically .

  22. 根据水声信道特性和保护电位遥测仪的特殊要求,设计和确定了主要传输参数,使仪器实现对水下管线腐蚀与保护电位的实时,可靠的测量。

    Its main parameters are selected according to the characteristics of the marine acoustic transmission and special requirment of the telemeter to measure the potential of corrosion and protection of the subsea pipe-line in situ and reliably .

  23. 认知无线电参数优化能根据外部环境的变化,实时获得当前最优的工作参数;而参数敏感度分析则是为了寻求传输参数与系统性能目标之间的内在联系。

    Parameter optimization of cognitive radio can real-time obtain current optimal operating parameters according to changes of outside environment ; yet parameter sensitivity analysis is to seek the internal relation between transmission parameters and performance objectives of systems .

  24. 认知无线电能够实时感知周围无线电环境的变化,并通过调整自己的传输参数来适应这种变化,以达到高可靠通信和频谱共享的目的。

    Cognitive radio is a radio that can change its transmitter parameters based on interaction with the environment in which it operates , and thus it can improve the utilization of spectrum resources and realize high reliable communications .

  25. 运用带电粒子束光学理论和计算机软件对系统进行研究,计算了系统的束流传输参数,提出了具体的设计方案,在此基础上建立了带电粒子输运模拟程序,研究了系统的主要性能指标。

    Parameters of beam transport are calculated and design of the system is proposed . Based on the design and calculations , an applicable beam transport simulation program is founded , and main performances of the system are researched .

  26. 提出利用导向式自适应算法处理两相流的流动噪声信号,以估计出的流动噪声传输参数计算两相流流速,对这种算法的收敛性和流速测量性能进行了论证。

    In this paper , the pilot adaptive algorithm is used to process flow noise signals and the two-phase flow velocity is calculated from the estimated flow noise transfer parameters . Both convergence behaviour and flow velocity measurement capability of the algorithm are discussed .

  27. 将参数敏感度分析与参数优化结合,既能有效指导传输参数的自适应调整,又能有的放矢,关注主要因素、忽略次要因素,从而降低信号处理的复杂度和运算量。

    Combined parameter sensitivity analysis with parameter optimization , which can both guide adaptive adjustment of transmission parameters , and can shoot at the target in paying close attention to major factors and ignoring secondary causes , thereby reduce the complexity and computation of signal processing .

  28. 将参数敏感度分析与优化过程结合,分别在不同通信模式下对认知无线电传输参数进行敏感度分析,有选择性地从目标函数中剔除敏感度较低的参数,以降低处理复杂度和处理时延。

    Combined parameter sensitivity analysis with parameter optimization , parameters sensitivity analysis is done on transmission parameters of cognitive radio in different communication modes respectively , and we can selectively remove lower sensitivity parameters from the objective function , in order to reduce system complexity and processing delay .

  29. 基于UDP的图像传输控制参数的自适应算法

    Adaptive Algorithm for Parameters in Image Transmission Based on UDP

  30. 盲源分离(blindsourceseparation,BSS)是指在只知道观测信号而源信号与传输信道参数均未知的前提下,估计出源信号。

    Blind source separation ( BSS ) estimates the source signals just from observed signals without any knowledge of source signals and transmission channel parameters .