
  • 网络London South Bank;south bank university;London South Bank University
  1. 非常高兴今天应邀出席在伦敦南岸大学孔子学院召开的第二届欧洲孔子学院联席会议。

    It is my great pleasure to join you at the Confucius Institute of London South Bank University for the Second Joint Conference of European Confucius Institutes .

  2. 伦敦南岸大学人类工作效率研究中心研究表明,穿着凉鞋正常走路可以增加腿部、小腿和臀部肌肉的活动,改善人们姿态和提高肌肉张力。

    Studies at the Centre for Human Performance at the London South Bank University showed that normal walking in the sandals increased leg , calf and gluteal muscle activity and improved posture and muscle tone .

  3. GrahamBleakley博士原先在伦敦南岸大学学习机械工程,随后在伦敦城市大学获得了安全关键系统基于模型的系统工程及过程方向的博士学位。

    Dr. Graham Bleakley originally studied Mechanical Engineering at Southbank University , this was followed by a PhD in Model Based Systems Engineering and Process for Safety Critical Systems at City University .

  4. 伦敦南岸大学的心理学教授茱莉亚·肖也是受访者之一。她设计了一种可以向人脑植入错误记忆的系统,这种系统能让受试者错误的以为自己有过犯罪行为。

    Other interviewees include Julia Shaw , psychology professor at London South Bank University , who has designed a system for implanting false memories , and has successfully convinced subjects they 've committed crimes that never took place .