
  • 网络King's College London;King’s College London;Kings College London;KCL
  1. 伦敦国王学院的汤姆·桑德斯教授称:“有趣的是,研究人员发现,青年和中年时期的新陈代谢速度差异很小,而发达国家的大多数成年人都是在中年时期发胖的。”

    Prof Tom Sanders , from King 's College London , said : " Interestingly , they found very little differences in total energy expenditure10 between early adult life and middle age - a time when most adults in developed countries put on weight .

  2. 承担研究的英国伦敦国王学院(King’sCollegeLondon)的研究人员提出,从婴儿饮食中去除花生的常见做法可能其实反而是造成近期花生过敏不断增加的元凶。

    The researchers , from King 's College London , suggested that the common practice of withholding peanuts from babies may in fact account for the recent rise in peanut allergies 。

  3. 主持这项研究的是伦敦国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)的凯蒂•威廉斯(KatieWilliams)。她表示,在东亚的城市中,几乎80%的年轻人都是近视。

    Katie Williams of King 's College London , which led the study , says that in cities in east Asia , almost 80 per cent of young people are short-sighted .

  4. 本文作者为伦敦国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)2013届“里奥?布兰科”国际关系学教授(the2013RioBrancoChairinInternationalRelations)、里约热内卢“热图利奥?瓦尔加斯基金会”(Funda??oGetulioVargas)副教授

    Matias Spektor is the 2013 Rio Branco Chair in International Relations at King 's College London , and an associate professor at Funda ? ? o Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro

  5. 伦敦国王学院(King’sCollegeLondon)等院校一开始就反对推出MBA课程,理由是雇主们质疑其与商科专业硕士相比的资质价值。

    Other institutions , such as King 's College London , have opted against launching MBA courses in the first place , citing scepticism among employers about the value of the qualification by comparison with specialist business masters degrees .

  6. 在伦敦国王学院,国际法和人权专家SatvinderJuss教授表示赞同。

    At London 's King 's College , international law and human rights expert Professor Satvinder Juss agrees .

  7. 伦敦国王学院国防研究教授HarshPant认为,越南给印度提供了切入点,通过这里印度可以“渗入中国的周边”。

    Harsh Pant , a professor of defence studies at King 's College , London , argues that Vietnam offers Indiaan entry-point , through which it can " penetrate China 's periphery " .

  8. 我们预计纽卡斯尔大学(NewcastleUniversity)将成为首批申请者之一,这所大学在照顾线粒体疾病患者方面拥有丰富经验,审查小组成员、伦敦国王学院(King’sCollegeLondon)临床遗传学教授弗朗西丝.弗林特(FrancesFlinter)表示。

    We expect the first applications to come from Newcastle University , where they have huge experience looking after patients with mitochondrial disease , said Frances Flinter , professor of clinical genetics at King 's College London and a member of the review panel .

  9. 有时他们会容易发怒,容易悲伤,甚至产生幻觉,幻听。伦敦国王学院精神病研究所的RenataSousa和其他研究人员撰写了这份报告。

    Renata Sousa from the Institute of Psychiatry at King 's College London and other researchers wrote the new report .

  10. 当时在伦敦国王学院工作的神经学家AvshalomCasp领导了2003年的那个研究。

    Neuroscientist Avshalom Caspi , then at Kings College London , led the two thousand three study .

  11. 乔治·佐夫(GeorgeJoffe)是伦敦国王学院的北非问题专家。他认为,北约各个成员国,早日结束针对利比亚的军事行动,而面对的财政和政治的压力越来越大。

    George Joffe , a North Africa expert at King 's College in London , says NATO allies are coming under increasing financial and political pressure to end the military operation in Libya quickly .

  12. 伦敦国王学院综合妇产科教授兼国家临床医学研究所咨询小组主席SusanBewley补充道,感染在医院病房更常见。

    Susan Bewley , professor of complex obstetrics at King 's College , London , and chair of the Nice advisory group , added that infections were more common on hospital wards .

  13. 英国伦敦国王学院的教授TimSpector告诉报社记者“科学家们都知道,一个人出生时的体重是中年和老年健康评估的一个重要参数。出生体重过低的人会更容易在年老的时候患病。

    Professor Tim Spector , from King 's College London , told the Daily Mail : " Scientists have known for a long time that a person 's weight at the time of birth is an important determinant of health in middle and old age , and that people with low birth weight are more susceptible to age related diseases .

  14. 伦敦国王学院地理系客座教授理查德韦伯表示,姓Smellie(臭)的人口减少了70%,姓Dafts(愚蠢)的减少了51%,其它减少的姓氏有:Gotobeds(上床)42%,Shufflebottom(苏佛尔的屁股)40%,Cockshotts(一种游戏)34%。

    People named Smellie decreased by 70 percent , Dafts by 51 percent , Gotobeds by 42 percent , Shufflebottoms by 40 percent , and Cockshotts by 34 percent , said Richard Webber , visiting professor of geography at King 's College , London 。

  15. 伦敦国王学院的研究者们并不这么认为。

    King 's College London says not .

  16. 每件长袍的双肩上都有代表伦敦国王学院的狮子纽扣。

    Each gown will also have a King 's College London lion button on each shoulder .

  17. 努斯鲍姆博士是伦敦国王学院公民自由研究组的主任。

    Dr Nussbaum is director of the civil liberties resarch unit at king 's college , london .

  18. 伦敦国王学院的基因教授蒂姆斯佩克特对这项研究的可信度打了个问号。

    Professor Tim Spector , an expert in the role of genes from Kings College London , questioned how strong the research was .

  19. 伦敦国王学院的基因教授蒂姆·斯佩克特对这项研究的可信度打了个问号。

    Professor Tim Spector , an expert in the role of genes from King 's College London , questioned how strong the research was 。

  20. 维斯特伍德在2007年被请求设计学院袍服,因为伦敦国王学院在该年成功获得枢密院的许可,有权自行颁发学位。

    Ms Westwood was approached to design the gowns in2007 after the College successfully petitioned the Privy Council for degree-awarding powers in its own right .

  21. 这些披肩和帽冠是特别为伦敦国王学院的毕业生设计的。这些学生将于本月下旬在毕业典礼上穿着新式袍服。

    The capes and hoods have been created especially for King 's College London and will be worn by students at their graduation ceremonies later this month .

  22. 调查表明:女性无名指长运动能力强伦敦国王学院的研究人员周四提出,从女性无名指的长度可以看出她的竞技潜力。

    The length of a girl 's ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential , researchers at King 's College London said on Thursday .

  23. 伦敦国王学院的研究人员周四提出,从女性无名指的长度可以看出她的竞技潜力。

    The length of a girl 's ring finger could be an indicator of her future orting potential , researchers at king 's College London said on thursday .

  24. 伦敦国王学院的戴维•菲利普斯教授是工作组的成员之一。他说没有特定的临界值可以判定污染到达什么水平才算危险。

    Prof David Phillips of King 's College London , a member of the working group , said there was no particular threshold at which pollution becomes dangerous .

  25. 伦敦国王学院的神经生物学家亚当·帕金斯认为这项研究结果可以运用于监狱,对促进犯人间的和谐会非常有效。

    Commenting on the research , Dr AdamPerkins , neurobiologist at King 's College London , said the study could be useful in prisons to encourage harmony among inmates .

  26. 这个如今紧挨伦敦国王学院正对河滨圣母教堂的地铁站可能于将来得到修葺并重新启用。

    The station , which is today situated next to the buildings of King 's College London and opposite St Mary le Strand church , may well re-open in future .

  27. 对此,很多人已经有怀疑多年不过如今伦敦国王学院遗传学领衔专家蒂姆斯佩克特教授的新书里终于了找到有力证据。

    Many of us may have suspected as much for years but now theres compelling evidence in a new book by Professor Tim Spector , a leading genetics expert at Kings College London .

  28. 研究报告撰写者之一伦敦国王学院的蒂姆·斯派克特教授说,至于其中的原因,目前还不清楚。他说自己原本对无名指长度关系到竞技能力持怀疑态度。

    The reasons for the findings were unclear , said one of the report 's authors , Professor Tim Spector from at King 's College , who said he was originally sceptical about the link to sporting ability .

  29. 在英国,伦敦国王学院、纽卡斯尔大学和华威大学的科学家们创造了数十个杂交胚胎,用于制造胚胎干细胞,这些干细胞有可能治疗多种疾病。

    In the UK , scientists at King 's College London , Newcastle University , and Warwick University created dozens of hybrid embryos that were used to create embryonic stem cells that could potentially treat a wide range of illnesses .

  30. 该研究的主要负责人,奇亚拉?诺莎提,是伦敦国王学院神经成像学的高级讲师。她强调说,虽然患病相对几率的增加是实质性的,但患病人数的绝对增加却并不是。

    The lead author , Chiara Nosarti , a senior lecturer in neuroimaging at Kings College London , emphasized that while the increase in relative risk is substantial , the absolute increase in numbers of people with the illnesses is not .