
wěi jūn zǐ
  • hypocrite;Tartuffe;Sunday saint
伪君子 [wěi jūn zǐ]
  • [hypocrite;Sunday saint;Tartuffe] 表面正派高尚、实际上卑鄙无耻的人

伪君子[wěi jūn zǐ]
  1. 报章指她是伪君子。

    The newspapers branded her a hypocrite .

  2. 该杂志诬枉地暗示他撒谎,是伪君子。

    The magazine wrongly suggested he was a liar and a hypocrite .

  3. 那人真是个令人作呕的伪君子!

    What a revolting humbug the man was !

  4. 她称我们都是不信神的伪君子。

    She called us all heathens and hypocrites .

  5. “伪君子,”他不屑地说。

    ' Hypocrite , ' he sneered

  6. 你这个道貌岸然的伪君子!

    You sanctimonious little hypocrite !

  7. 他们给约翰加上了伪君子的臭名。

    They branded John for a hypocrite .

  8. 依照二十年代流行的指责来说,清教徒是郁郁寡欢的伪君子。

    The puritans , according to the familiar accusations of the1920s , were joyless hypocrites .

  9. 牧师深知这一切——他是一个多么难以捉摸又懊悔不迭的伪君子啊!

    The minister well knew -- subtle , but remorseful hypocrite that he was !

  10. Android的总设计师安迪•鲁宾也好,谷歌的副总裁维克•贡多特拉也好,埃里克•施密特也好,他们仨都是卑鄙无耻、说话不算话的伪君子。

    Andy Rubin , Vic Gundotra , Eric Schmidt : shameless , lying hypocrites , all of them .

  11. .约翰常说孝顺父母是人情世故。他真是个伪君子!同义词:注释:filialpiety孝顺;孝心

    A : John always says filial piety is B : What a sham gentleman be is !

  12. n.伪君子村庄内没有一个人喜欢那人,因为他是一个无耻的伪君子。

    hypocrite No one in the village likes the man because he is a shameless hypocrite .

  13. 在Johnson先生眼里,非洲国民大会党已经成为了一个充满了种族歧视者,贼和伪君子的贼窝。该党派自从1994年赢得政权以来,几乎没做过一件好事。

    The ANC , in Mr Johnson 's view , has become a nest of racists , thieves and hypocrites , who have done almost no good at all since they won power in1994 .

  14. 2010年,好莱坞电影大亨哈维·韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)在电影节的热门论坛上三言两语地说了几句,随后借口说自己得去赶飞机,先行离开。冯小刚紧接着便说道韦恩斯坦就是个“不折不扣的伪君子。”

    In 2010 , Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein excused himself after making a brief statement at one of the festival 's popular forums , saying he had to catch a flight , and Feng followed up by saying Weinstein was " an outright fraudster . "

  15. 总而言之,我认为他是个伪君子。

    In a word , I think he is a hypocrite .

  16. 你一直鄙视那些伪君子。

    You 're always complaining about people being frauds and phonies .

  17. 简而言之:只有将矛头对准伪君子,制裁才会起到最好的效果。

    In short : sanctions work best when aimed at hypocrites .

  18. 在某些人的看法,他是一个伪君子。

    In the opinion of some people he 's a hypocrite .

  19. 阿什莉都认为你是个谎话连篇的伪君子

    and even Ashley thinks that you 're a lying hypocrite .

  20. 我反对他,因为他是个伪君子。

    I object against him that he is a hypocrite .

  21. 论《伪君子》写人的艺术

    On the Art of People 's Description in The Hypocrite

  22. 我已经受够了布拉塞尔他那伪君子作风。

    I 'd had enough of brassel and his sanctimony .

  23. 或许我应该写写你这个小伪君子。

    Maybe I should write about your little double cross .

  24. 我是否也是一个伪君子、一个坏人?

    Am I also a hypocrite and a bad man ?

  25. 那些教你这个的人,使得神成了伪君子。

    Those who teach you this would make a hypocrite of God .

  26. 伪君子的举止一定巧妙得多。

    A hypocrite 's movements should have been more skillful .

  27. 他是个伪君子,从不尽力帮助任何人。

    He is a hypocrite and never exerts himself to help anyone .

  28. 你是个伪君子,是个骗子。

    You are a hypocrite and you are a phony .

  29. 她毫不留情地剥掉了这个伪君子的画皮。

    e.g. : She ripped off the mask of the hypocrite mercilessly .

  30. 也许我不喜欢做个伪君子。

    Maybe I don 't feel like being a hypocrite .