
  • 网络bourne;bern;berne;Beaune;Eric Berne
  1. 伯恩和他那位雍容华贵的夫人,还有几个兴高采烈的女儿,款待得大家高高兴兴。

    Bern and his gracious wife and merry daughters made them good cheer .

  2. 1902年他到伯恩当上了专利局的鉴定员。

    In 1902 he went to work as a patent office examiner in Bern .

  3. 兰开夏郡的纺织城镇形成的大三角地带,从曼彻斯特向北至伯恩利,再从伯恩利西至阿克灵顿

    the great triangle of the Lancashire textile towns , stretching from Manchester up as far as Burnley and across to Accrington .

  4. 现在,伯恩已经通过建造小雪橇并在沙地上拖拽重物来检验了这个想法。

    Bonn has now tested this idea by building small sleds and dragging heavy objects over sand .

  5. 使用PKI构造企业身份管理系统《伯恩的身份》

    Constructing Enterprise Identity Management System by Using PKI ( Public Key In frastructure )

  6. 作为现代社会的“反英雄”英雄,杰森•伯恩(JasonBourne)的风头胜过了詹姆斯•邦德(JamesBond)。

    An anti-hero hero for a modern age , Jason Bourne leaves James Bond in the shade .

  7. 来自克尔森男爵夫人的一封信,温特伯恩MEP与CHLG联席主席

    A Letter from Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne MEP Co-Chair of CHLG

  8. NPR新闻,肯纳斯·伯恩巴尔的摩报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Kenas Born at Baltimore .

  9. 今年45岁的伯恩扮演者马特•达蒙(MattDamon)在最近的一场采访中总结了两人的不同。

    Matt Damon , the 45-year-old actor who plays him , summed up the difference between the two men in a recent interview .

  10. 对亚特兰大男装设计师及零售商锡德&12539;马什伯恩(SidMashburn)来说,这个长度和魔力数字接近了。

    For Atlanta-based menswear designer and retailer Sid Mashburn , the magic number is close to it .

  11. 该机构副总裁托马斯•伯恩(ThomasByrne)表示,今年第二季度日本经济缩减1.2%的事实仍令人担忧。

    Thomas Byrne , agency vice-president , said the Japanese economy 's 1.2 per cent contraction in the second quarter of this year remained of concern .

  12. 杰米利亚(Jamelia),尼基伯恩(NickyByrne),贝斯·特瓦迪尔(BethTweddle),理查德·马德里(RichardMadeley),皮尔斯·摩根(PiersMorgan),南希·德尔奥莉奥(NancyDell’Olio),丽贝卡·弗格森(RebeccaFerguson)等名人都参加了这次网络运动。

    Jamelia , Nicky Byrne , Beth Tweddle , Richard Madeley , Piers Morgan , Nancy Dell'Olio , Rebecca Ferguson are among the celebrities backing the campaign .

  13. 导演保罗•格林格拉斯(PaulGreengrass)可能会忍不住增加爆炸场面,同时减少展示伯恩更为平凡和细腻的技能——他再度导演这部影片,并和达蒙一起担任制片人。

    The temptation to soup up the explosions and dial down the more mundane details of his expertise may have been too great for director Paul Greengrass , who returns to direct and produce the film with Damon .

  14. 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(UniversityofMassachusettsAmherst)的苏珊•克劳斯•惠特伯恩(SusanKraussWhitbourne)教授认为,年龄是一种社会建构,在很大程度上取决于个人。

    Susan Krauss Whitbourne , professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst , sees age as a social construct , highly dependent on the individual .

  15. 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(UniversityofMassachusettsAmherst)的苏珊•克劳斯•惠特伯恩(SusanKraussWhitbourne)教授认为,年龄是一种“社会建构,在很大程度上取决于个人”。

    Susan Krauss Whitbourne , professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst , sees age as a " social construct , highly dependent on the individual . "

  16. 伯恩称,卖空者是旨在毁掉其公司的宏大计划一部分他将这个计划的精心策划者称作“西斯大帝”(thesithlord,电影《星球大战》中的邪恶角色)。

    He claimed short-sellers were part of a master plan to destroy his company - a plan orchestrated by someone Mr Byrne called " the Sith Lord " after an evil figure in Star Wars .

  17. 可以说,他一直被雪藏,是为了等着让关于《谍影重重4:伯恩的遗产》(TheBourneLegacy)的所有记忆完全消失——《伯恩的遗产》是2012年重塑伯恩系列影片品牌的糟糕尝试,败坏了伯恩的名声。

    Arguably he was keeping scarce until all memories of the ghastly Bourne Legacy , a horrific attempt to sabotage his reputation and rebrand the franchise in 2012 , were fully erased .

  18. 在我看来,伯恩是自1973年《巴比龙》(Papillon)中的史蒂夫•麦奎因(SteveMcQueen)或者1971年《紧急追捕令》(DirtyHarry)中的克林特•伊斯特伍德(ClintEastwood)以来最伟大的动作片英雄。

    For my money , Bourne is the greatest cinematic action hero since Steve McQueen in Papillon ( 1973 ) , or Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry ( 1971 ) .

  19. 伯恩-琼斯的复兴要落地生根也许尚待时日,但是菲奥纳.麦肯锡(fionamaccarthy)已经将他栩栩如生的展示给了世人。

    The Burne-Jones revival may still have to put down deep roots , but Fiona MacCarthy has brought him vividly to life .

  20. 美国付费有线电台频道HBO继续保留其播放热门剧的风格,推出了这部关于一位精神治疗师&保罗•维斯顿(加布里埃尔•伯恩饰)和他的家庭的新作。

    HBO , the American premium cable channel , continues its tradition of top-notch drama with this new show about a therapist , Paul Weston ( played by star Gabriel Bryne ) and his family .

  21. 根据罗伯特•勒德拉姆(RobertLudlum)所著惊悚系列小说改编的最新杰森•伯恩影片将于7月27日首映。就我而言,我焦急地盼着该片上映。

    Jason Bourne , the new instalment of the Robert Ludlum-based thriller series , debuts onscreen on July 27 . And I , for one , am counting the hours until his arrival .

  22. 英国移民大臣利亚姆•伯恩(LiamByrne)表示:有了强有力的控制,外来移民能让英国更为富裕,这正是我们要对上议院明言的。

    Liam Byrne , immigration minister , said : With powerful controls in place , migration can make Britain richer and that 's what we 're blunt about with the House of Lords .

  23. 爱德华.伯恩-琼斯(edwardburne-jones)是维多利亚时代一位声名远扬的公众人物,是怪才云集的拉斐尔前派中最后的画家,也许算的上个中翘楚。

    Sir Edward Burne-Jones was an eminent Victorian , a public figure who was considered the last and perhaps the best of the painters who belonged to the group of talented eccentrics , the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .

  24. Chubbies和马什伯恩之间或许只差2英寸左右,但这种差别意义重大。

    It may be only 2 or so inches , but the difference between the Chubbies and Mashburns is meaningful .

  25. 从1932年伯恩和米恩斯(BerleandMeans)开始,企业家激励的问题便成为当代经济学的一个核心问题,它不但关系到整个宏观经济体制的资源配置效率,而且也是完善现代公司治理的关键。

    From Berle and Means in 1932 and then , the entrepreneur incentive has become a core topic of the contemporary economics , which is not only affect the efficiency of the whole resource allocation in macroscopic layer , but also is the key to perfect modern corporate govenance .

  26. 不过,厄谢尔说,她和移民部长利亚姆•伯恩(LiamByrne)下周三将与伦敦金融城雇主举行商谈,讨论新的积分制度将如何落实,并听取任何忧虑。

    However , Ms Ussher said she and Liam Byrne , immigration minister , would hold talks with City employers next Wednesday to discuss how the points-based system will work in practice and to take on board any concerns .

  27. 65岁的伯恩海默决定缩小自己的业务,关闭慕尼黑的画廊,卖掉巴伐利亚的豪华宅邸马尔库斯泰恩城堡(MarquartsteinCastle),将科尔纳吉画廊与伦敦的Coll&Cortes画廊合并。

    Mr. Bernheimer , 65 , has decided to scale down his operations . He is closing his Munich gallery , selling his grand Bavarian home , Marquartstein Castle , and is merging Colnaghi with a fellow London dealer , Coll & Cortes .

  28. EEDAR公司分析师萨尔多里o伯恩贝克表示,卖掉SOE并不等于索尼彻底放弃网络游戏业务。虽然该公司贡献了索尼在线业务相当大的一部分收益,但它的活跃范围也仅限于索尼的PlayStation4游戏机。

    The sale of SOE does not remove Sony from the online games business entirely . Though the division represented a large portion of Sony 's online revenue , the company remains active in digital goods through its PlayStation 4 console , says EEDAR analyst Sartori Bernbeck .

  29. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的机器人学教授戴维•伯恩(DavidBourne)正带领学生研发一款软件,以便让机器人有能力判断应该把零部件放到什么位置,并能够探索不同的装配方式以确定最优途径。

    At Carnegie Mellon University , robotics professor David Bourne and some of his students are working on software that enables a robot to cope with uncertainty over where a part will be on the assembly table , and to experiment with ways to put things together until they find the optimum methods .

  30. 空手而归的艺人们当中,有不少是初次入围格莱美的新面孔,其中包括流行歌手与唱作人梅根·特莱诺(MeghanTrainor)和霍奇尔,他的真名是安德鲁·霍奇尔-伯恩(AndrewHozier-Byrne)

    Among those who went home empty-handed were a cohort of fresh faces up for their first Grammys . Those included the pop singer and songwriter Meghan Trainor and Hozier , whose real name is Andrew Hozier-Byrne .