
  • 网络The White countess;The Countess;Contessa
  1. 伯爵夫人身材修长,苗条优雅,面色十分苍白。

    The countess was tall , svelte and very pale .

  2. 伯爵夫人和罗齐尔先生已经搭讪上了。

    A meeting had immediately taken place between the Countess and Mr. Rosier .

  3. 第一幕上演的时候,G伯爵夫人走进了她的包厢。

    During the first act , the Countess G & entered .

  4. 我做了一个很有趣的梦:梦中我正在托洛尼亚府里和G伯爵夫人跳极乐舞呢。

    I had such a delightful dream . I was dancing the galop at Torlonia 's with the Countess G & .

  5. “瞧,”当第一排一个包厢的门打开的时候,阿尔贝说道,“g伯爵夫人来了。”

    " Surely ," said albert , as the door of a box on the first circle opened ," that must be the countess g & . "

  6. 拜伦的女儿埃达,也就是洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人(CountessofLovelace),则比她父亲更有远见。

    Byron 's daughter Ada , Countess of Lovelace , was more prescient .

  7. 格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人科拉为人心地善良,她的女儿茜玻(Sybil)年轻貌美,端庄典雅。

    Cora , the warm-hearted countess of Grantham , and Sybil , her pretty and modest daughter , are among the names that have rocketed .

  8. 尼姆说,如果《唐顿庄园》继续拍下去,它的观众人数只会越来越少,并且肯定会失去剧中的那些大牌演员,如饰演尖刻的伯爵夫人的玛吉·史密斯(MaggieSmith),和饰演勇敢无畏的玛丽小姐的米歇尔·多克里(MichelleDockery)。

    If " Downton Abbey " continued , Mr. Neame said , its viewership would eventually decline and it would surely lose prominent cast members like Maggie Smith , who plays the acerbic dowager countess , and Michelle Dockery , who plays the intrepid Lady Mary .

  9. 《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)召唤仆人的铃铛很快就要摇最后一次了,老伯爵夫人将再提出她最后一条尖酸刻薄的建议,克劳利家族多舛的命运也将有一个最终的定论。

    The servants " bells at " Downton Abbey " will soon ring for their last time , the dowager countess will dispense her final piece of tart-tongued advice , and the story of the changing fortunes of the Crawley family will come to a conclusion .

  10. 我们的伯爵夫人显然没有意识到她已经破坏了规矩。

    The Countess was apparently unaware of having broken any rule .

  11. 玛丽亚:是我教他们一支欢迎伯爵夫人的歌。

    Maria : I taught them a song for the Baroness .

  12. “我对伯爵夫人怎么说好呢?”

    " And what message shall I convey to the baroness !"

  13. 伯爵夫人:十点五十五,到新建孤儿院。

    COUNTESS : Ten fifty-five , the Newfoundling Home For Orphans .

  14. 但鲁吉,我也是个伯爵夫人。

    But I am a countess , too , luigi .

  15. 只有发烧的我和伯爵夫人没去。

    Everyone 's there but me with my fever and Countess olenska .

  16. 伯爵夫人宣称,她决心实行这一壮举。

    The Countess announced her willingness to undertake this feat .

  17. 去找每一个和鲁吉有关系的浅薄的伯爵夫人?

    See every shallow Countess Ludwig gave a dedication to ?

  18. 但伯爵夫人坚持要请教律师。

    But Countess Olenska still insists on a legal opinion .

  19. 从何时起一个男爵夫人的地位超过一个伯爵夫人啦?

    And since when did a baroness outrank a countess ?

  20. 我与伯爵夫人在伦敦用餐时是你侍奉我的

    You served me when I dined with Lady Grantham in London .

  21. 然而伯爵夫人不准伯爵走,因为他那条腿痛了好几天了。

    But the countess would not agree to the count 's going ;

  22. 难道她的丈夫跟格米尼伯爵夫人是一丘之貉吗?

    Did her husband judge only by the countess gemini ?

  23. 他无疑是在追求奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人。

    He was undeniably in pursuit of the countess olenska .

  24. 那是伯爵夫人开的那种车吗?

    Ls that the kind of car the countess drives ?

  25. 而伯爵夫人却一个人落落寡欢,在那儿哀叹

    While the Contessa , in a counter-medley , wails that

  26. 谢谢您的款待伯爵夫人

    You 've been so kind , Lady Grantham . Thank you .

  27. 伯爵夫人:不,另一次。

    COUNTESS : No , no , the other one .

  28. 伯爵夫人:亲爱的,你有很多可爱的东西。

    COUNTESS : My dear , you have lovely things .

  29. “伯爵夫人寻找年轻、强壮的小伙”

    " Countess Angelique Seeks Young submissive with large ankles !"

  30. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人说的是“5点钟以后”。

    The Countess Olenska had said " after five " ;