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  1. 这一切费伯都看在眼里,但没吭声。

    Faber watched the whole thing without comment .

  2. 这两千万财产藏在我基督山的岩窟里,伯都西奥知道那个岩窟的秘密。

    These twenty millions are concealed in my grotto at Monte cristo , of which Bertuccio knows the secret .

  3. 每年费伯都会说:“玛莎,我想坐那架飞机。”

    Every year Ferber would say , " Martha , I 'd like to ride in that airplane . "

  4. 他跟查理伟伯,我都忘了他们是朋友。

    There he is with Charlie webb . I forgot those two were friends .

  5. 现有白巧克力、牛奶巧克力还有黑巧克力口味,每个“康伯兔”都配有22克拉的黄金小领结和闪粉。

    Available in white , milk and dark chocolate each ' Cumberbunny ' comes complete with an edible 22 carat gold bow-tie and lustre dust .

  6. 一种3自由度仿人型假手的肌电控制伯3:19大小都在那里.仆脱离主人的辖制。

    EMG control of a 3-DOF anthropomorphic prosthetic hand The small and the great are there , And the slave is free from his master .