
diàn nónɡ
  • tenant farmer
  • sharecropper;tenant peasant;farmer
佃农 [diàn nóng]
  • (1) [tenant farmer;sharecropper;tenant peasant]∶以租种土地为生的农民

  • (2) [farmer]∶租土地耕种的人

  1. 地主们经常将土地的管理交给佃农。

    Landowners frequently left the management of their estates to tenant farmers .

  2. 肯尼亚的EquityBank与国际农业发展基金等组织构建联盟关系,来降低小佃农的贷款风险。

    Kenya 's Equity Bank has formed an alliance with groups such as The International Fund for Agricultural Development to reduce its risks when lending to smallholders .

  3. 朴先生是一位佃农,他在汉城西南部的金堤市(Kimje)经营着八公顷的稻田。

    Mr Park is a tenant of eight hectares of rice paddies in Kimje , south-west of Seoul .

  4. 比佐治亚州的一个佃农多出五倍

    five times more than a sharecropper 's wage in Georgia .

  5. 大多古老国家在地主与佃农之间有过农地的纠纷。

    Most old countries have had agrarian disputes between landlords and tenants .

  6. 佃农在地主前战战兢兢的。

    The serfs cowered before the Lord of the manor .

  7. 我父亲大半生当佃农。

    For most of his life my father has been a sharecropper .

  8. 你们知道你们的佃农在1821年的情况。

    You know the state of your farming tenantry in1821 .

  9. 贫农是农村中的佃农,受地主的剥削。

    The poor peasants are tenant-peasants who are exploited by the landlords .

  10. 埃及大部分土地都租给“皇家”佃农。

    Most of his land was leased to " royal tenants " .

  11. 佃农租种小农场并在其中耕作的人;佃农。

    One who rents and cultivates a croft ; a tenant farmer .

  12. 伯爵家的佃农今天住进来的

    Tenant of Lord Grantham 's. He came in today .

  13. 我母亲在佛罗里达作点佃农耕种。

    My mother did a little sharecropping in florida .

  14. 肉汤上面的皮皱得就像佃农的脖子。

    The gravy has a skin on it like a sharecropper 's neck .

  15. 与地主有争端的佃农应寻求法律咨询。

    Tenants involved in a dispute with their landlord should seek legal advice .

  16. 佃农要求降低租金,博伊科特拒绝了。

    The farmers demanded lower rents . Boycott refused .

  17. 抚慰一群愤怒的佃农;一群吵闹的孩子。

    Placating an angry lot of tenants ; kids who made a noisy lot .

  18. 富裕佃农:英国现代化的最早领头羊

    Yeoman : The Bellwether of Modernization in England

  19. 他之所以这样做,是因为他想帮助佃农养家糊口。

    He did it because he ultimately wanted to help sharecroppers feed their families .

  20. 佃农理论与南京大学

    The Theory of Share Tenancy and Nanjing University

  21. 清后期陕南地区的地主-佃农经济和小农佃耕制度占据主导地位。

    In southern Shaanxi of late Qing Dynasty , landlord-tenant fanning was the dominant practice .

  22. 从一个工业巨头的收入中抽出200美元分给一个贫穷的佃农。

    $ 200is taken away from an industrial tycoon and given to a poor sharecropper .

  23. 交租封建时代佃农向领主缴纳或提供的贡品、劳役或租税。

    Tribute , service , or rent paid by a feudal tenant to a lord .

  24. 例如,它没有反映出有多少土地被租了给佃农。

    For instance , it says nothing about how much land is rented to tenant farmers .

  25. 双层地权制之下,田面已经成为佃农的一项独立产权。

    Under the system , surface field has become an independent property-right of the rural tenants .

  26. 这种佃农耕作土地,并与地主对作物收获分成。

    The tenants , or sharecropper , worked the land and shared the crop with the landlord .

  27. 他是个佃农?

    Was he a sharecropper ?

  28. 论新佃农理论对解决我国农村土地问题的启示

    On the Enlightenment of Share Tenancy Theory to the Problems of the Rural Lands in Our Country

  29. 通过高额牛租,地主进一步加强了对佃农的在经济上的控制。

    Through the high rent , the landlord further strengthened the economical control over the tenant farmers .

  30. 其他角色是女仆、佃农、罪犯游民,以及贫穷的家庭主妇和女孩。

    The remaining characters are maids , sharecroppers , criminal-drifter types , impoverished housewives and destitute girls .
