  • position;place;location;post
  • 所处的地方:座~。部~。~置(a.所在或所占的地方;b.地位)。~于。

  • 职务的高低:地~。职~。名~。

  • 特指君主的地位:即~。篡~。

  • 一个数中每个数码所占的位置:个~。百~数。

  • 量词,常用于人,表尊重:诸~。各~。几~客人。

  • 姓。


(所在或所占的地方) place; location:

  • 部位

    place; location; position;

  • 座位



(职位; 地位) position; post; status:

  • 名位

    fame and position;

  • 坚守岗位

    stick to one's post;

  • 不在其位, 不谋其政。

    When you don't hold an office, you don't need to consider the policies.; Out of position, out of administration.


(特指皇帝的地位) throne:

  • 在位

    on the throne;

  • 即位

    come to the throne;

  • 篡位

    usurp the throne


{数} (数码所占的位置)place; figure; digit:

  • 个位

    unit's place;

  • 十位

    ten's place;

  • 百位

    hundred's place;

  • 五位数

    five-digit [five-figure] number


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 位杰

    Wei Jie


(用于人, 含敬意):

  • 诸位


  • 三位客人

    three guests

  1. 这场胜利使他们连超三个队,跃居第二位。

    The win allowed them to leapfrog three teams to gain second place .

  2. 成名常常是身在其位,恰逢其时,仅此而已。

    Fame is often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time .

  3. 这些非法付款是一位暗中查访的新闻记者发现的。

    The illegal payments were discovered by a journalist working undercover .

  4. 有一位心腹知己很重要。

    It is important to have someone you can confide in .

  5. 有几位国家元首出席了葬礼。

    Several heads of state were in attendance at the funeral .

  6. 她是对付新闻界的一位老手。

    She 's an old hand at dealing with the press .

  7. 他们征询一位心理学家的独立意见。

    They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion .

  8. 他在聚会上介绍我认识了一位希腊姑娘。

    He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party .

  9. 她是位教师,以行为古怪而出名。

    As a teacher , she had a reputation for eccentricity .

  10. 他的几位同事对他的下台起了作用。

    Several of his colleagues had a hand in his downfall .

  11. 他骨子里是一位浪漫的人,渴望历险。

    He was a romantic at heart and longed for adventure .

  12. 大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。

    I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time .

  13. 看来两位领导人正在进行密谈。

    It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks .

  14. 裁判无法把两位参赛者分出高下。

    The judges found it impossible to separate the two contestants .

  15. 是一位叫戴维斯的医生做的手术。

    It was a certain Dr Davis who performed the operation .

  16. 有几位计算机工程师与财务部门签订了合同。

    Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department .

  17. 这座城市和这个州失去了一位伟大的领袖。

    The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader .

  18. 两位候选人在过去的一个月里都在取悦媒体。

    Both candidates have spent the last month courting the media .

  19. 复活节时有三位年轻人入教。

    Three young people were received into the Church at Easter .

  20. 对现政府而言,他是一位过度的理想主义者。

    He 's too much of an idealist for this government .

  21. 她是一位具有强烈使命感的医生。

    She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation .

  22. 她援引了几位赫赫有名的学者来支持她的论点。

    She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument .

  23. 已任命一位新经理来管理这项工程。

    A new manager has been appointed to direct the project .

  24. 他在半决赛中与他的一位同胞选手对垒。

    He played against one of his compatriots in the semi-final .

  25. 从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。

    On paper , several of the applicants fit the bill .

  26. 那台节目的主角是一位年轻的意大利歌唱家。

    The star of the show was a young Italian singer .

  27. 两位领导人正在争夺政府控制权。

    The two leaders are battling for control of the government .

  28. 我设法求得一位开车路过的人让我搭车。

    I managed to beg a lift from a passing motorist .

  29. 他是一位有才华的运动员,既参加国内比赛,也参加国际比赛。

    He 's a talented athlete who competes nationally and internationally .

  30. 这是一位艺术家对未来新运动场作的印象画。

    This is an artist 's impression of the new stadium .