
  • 网络Geopotential height
  1. 本文分析了在新指数不同位相下,QBO对平流层纬向平均纬向风、经向风、温度以及位势高度场的影响。

    The influence of QBO on the zonal mean stratospheric zonal and meridional wind , temperature and geopotential height is analyzed .

  2. 并根据滤波原理,利用最佳高通滤波器,将风场、位势高度场和温度场进行了中尺度分离。

    According to the principle of filtering we separate the fields of wind , geopotential height and temperature using optimum high-pass filter .

  3. 在大部分时间里,这两支低频涡旋相遇于20~30°N地区,并影响到该地区位势高度场的变化。

    During most of the summertime , they converge at 20 & 30 ° N and exert a further influence on geopotential height over this region .

  4. 本文用欧洲中期天气预报中心客观分析资料计算了850、200百帕层候平均位势高度(H)和西风分量(u)的谐波以及准40天振荡能量的时、空分布。

    Objectively analyzed data from ECMWF are used to determine mean geopotential heights ( H ) at 850 and 200 hPa and harmonics of the westerly component ( u ) as well as the temporal and spacial distribution of the quasi-40 days oscillation energy .

  5. 利用ECMWF的格点风和位势高度场资料,对1998年夏季热带内外地区大气低频振荡特征进行了分析研究。

    The characteristics of the tropical and extra-tropical atmospheric low frequency oscillation during the summer of 1998 is studied based on the ECMWF grid wind and height data .

  6. 初步分析了寒露风与太平洋海温、500hPa位势高度的一些相关区。

    The coefficient fields of height of 500 hPa and sea surface temperature of Pacific Ocean are analyzed .

  7. 该文对15个冬季北太平洋风暴轴区域500hPa天气尺度滤波位势高度方差与北太平洋海表温度进行了奇异值分解(SVD)分析。

    Singular value decomposition ( SVD ) is conducted for 500 hPa filtered potential height variance of 15 storm track regions and the SST over North Pacific in winter .

  8. 用3种客观评分方法对国家气候中心为三峡库区提供的月动力延伸预报产品(500hPa位势高度场)进行了全面评估。

    Products of monthly dynamic extended range forecast ( DERF ) on Three Gorges Engineering were evaluated by using three score methods .

  9. 长江中下游降水对应于欧亚大陆的位势高度正异常,长江中下游降水与北大西洋中高纬度和西太平洋暖池SST的年代际变率有关。

    The precipitation in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River response to the positive abnormal in Eurasian continent and it also has the relationship with the interannual variability of the middle and high latitude of north Atlantic SST and the west Pacific warm pool .

  10. 给出了表征半球月平均位势高度场性质的若干环流指数:气候场强度Ic、气候异常场平均强度Ia、气候场不稳定度Ius。

    To describe the nature of hemispherical monthly mean geopotential height fields , several circulation indices , such as intensity of climate fields I c , intensity of climate anomaly fields I a , instability of climate fields I us , are defined .

  11. 研究了这两类降水分布型的环流特征,结果指出:北半球500hPa位势高度场有着显著的差异。

    The circulation analysis results show that there are obviously differences between the NH 500 hPa geopotential height fields of P1 and P2 precipitation pattern .

  12. 欧亚地区夏季500hPa位势高度距平场上中高纬从西到东呈现为-+-分布形式,贝加尔湖地区为正距平中心;

    In the summer of 2001 , the 500 hPa geopotential height anomaly was positive in the Eurasia , and the positive center was over Lake Baikal .

  13. 最后,通过奇异值分解(SVD)技术研究了热带SST与冬季北半球500hPa位势高度主要的耦合型,模拟的相关型与NCEP再分析资料的相关型非常相似。

    Finally , a singular value decomposition analysis performed with the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature and Northern Hemisphere 500 hPa geopotential height shows that the model 's teleconnection between the Tropics and high latitudes is similar to that of the NCEP reanalysis data .

  14. 一张存在分析错误的10hPa等压面位势高度气候图

    Analytic Error in a Climatological Figure of 10 hPa Geopotential Height Field

  15. 北半球夏季位势高度场遥相关型的观测研究

    Observational Study of Teleconnections in the Geopotential Height during the Northern Hemisphere Summer

  16. 全球大气位势高度场气候变率的球函数分析

    Analysis on Spherical Function Structures of Climatic Variability for Global Atmospheric Geopotential Height Fields

  17. 半球月平均位势高度场的若干环流指数及其变化特征

    Some Circulation Indices and Their Variation Character of Hemispherical Monthly Mean Geopotential Height Fields

  18. 北半球位势高度场的遥相关及其数值试验位势泛函的极值

    The Extreme Value of the Potential Functional

  19. 资料同化中背景场位势高度误差统计分析的研究

    A Study of the Statistical Analysis of the Geopotential Height Background Errors in the Data Assimilation

  20. 半球月平均位势高度场均匀和非均匀异常指数的时滞性分析

    Time-lag Correlation Analysis of Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Anomaly Indexes of Hemispherical Monthly Mean Geopotential Height Fields

  21. 对方案中阶数巨大的背景场误差协方差矩阵加以处理,选用位势高度和风场非平衡部分的纬向风速、经向风速作为分析变量,减少矩阵阶数;

    To deal with the covariance matrix of background errors B , three skills are used .

  22. 对北方地区而言,影响因子主要是对流层中高层的位势高度异常;

    For northern China , the major circulation is the overlying geopotential height anomaly at middletoupper levels .

  23. 文中研究了大气中的大尺度凝结降水和积云对流凝结降水对气压场与位势高度场的影响。

    In this paper we study effects of large scale as well as cumulus convection condensation-precipitation on pressure and geopotential height fields .

  24. 对预报的改善主要体现在对流层中低层的部分预报变量,尤其是位势高度的改善作用最为明显。

    For forecast of some part of variables , improvement is mainly in low middle layer of troposphere , especially to geopotential height .

  25. 边界向区域内的负(正)涡度输送可以使区域内位势高度变高(低)。

    Negative ( positive ) vorticity transport from boundary to the region can make the potential height of the region higher ( lower ) .

  26. 在欧亚大陆北部、西欧和东亚北部地区分别呈现正–负–正的异常位势高度中心。

    The center of geopotential height anomalies in the northern regions of Northern Eurasia , Western Europe and East Asia are positive-negative-positive , separately .

  27. 在风暴轴区域,位势高度方差、扰动动能和向极热量输送均具有最大值,冬季风暴轴的强度强,位置偏南,夏季风暴轴的强度弱,位置偏北。

    Usually , in a storm track region over oceans , geopotential height variance , eddy kinetic energy and meridional heat transport are maximal .

  28. 云量方案改进以后,对大气平均状态的模拟有了一定的改进,尤其是温度、位势高度、热带地区的垂直速度、以及比湿等的模拟有了较为明显的改进。

    Simulation of atmospheric mean state is improved obviously in many aspects , especially temperature , geopotential , vertical velocity in tropic , and specific humidity etc.

  29. 且对于静力模式预报地面气压和高空位势高度场,不可能实现上述的第一凝结作用。

    If the hydrostatic model is used to predict surface pressure and geopotential height fields , then the above first effect of condensation can not be realized .

  30. 热带对流层顶气温在两个不同时期的差别与大气气温以及位势高度的异常变化有较好的关系。

    The differences of tropical tropopause temperature between these two periods are intrinsically related to the anomalous variations of air temperature and the geopotential height in the troposphere .