
  • 网络the Low Countries;Nederland;Pays-Bas
  1. 詹姆斯·霍尔姆斯是低地国家翻译理论界最具代表性的人物。

    James S. Holmes is the most representative translation theorist in the Low Countries .

  2. 低地国家是荷兰、比利时和卢森堡。

    The Low Countries are Holland , Belgium and Luxemburg .

  3. 沿北海海岸,他拥有低地国家。

    On the shores of the North sea , the low countries .

  4. 带船闸的港口在英国、法国,以及欧洲的低地国家很常见。

    Ports with locks are common in England , France and in the low Countries in Europe .

  5. 于是,机械自动音乐的历史就从“低地国家会唱歌的钟塔”开始了。

    The history of mechanical music begins with " the singing towers of the Low Countries " .

  6. 几个世纪以来,在低地国家开发农业景观时,已经发生了这种情况。

    That is the case of many agricultural landscapes where exploitation in " low countries " had happened for centuries .

  7. 在1794年法国革命获得胜利之后,那些被法国所蹂躏的所谓低地国家,也被从西班牙和奥地利的掌控中解救出来。

    Following the Campaigns of1794 in the French Revolutionary Wars , the Low Countries were overrun by France , ending Spanish-Austrian rule in the region .

  8. 他们还利用流入西班牙的白银,为交付黄金、支付驻扎在低地国家的西班牙军队提供融资,这实际上是一种证券化。

    In a form of securitisation they also used inflows of silver to Spain to finance the delivery of gold to pay Spanish troops in the low countries .

  9. 在这个低地国家的东部有一些丘陵,但自然的山没有达到相当的高度,创造气候从地面到顶部足够的差异。

    There are some hills in the east of this lowland country , but no natural mountains reaching considerable height and creating difference in climate from the ground to the top .

  10. 本文拟从整个欧洲钟乐的发展过程来管窥低地国家(低地国家包括现在的荷兰、比利时和法国北部)钟琴的发展与演变,从而加深人们对西方编列类乐钟的认识。

    This article is mainly focused on the development of the glockenspiel all over the Europe , especially the lowland countries , in order to get the deeper understanding of the western row-musical bells .

  11. 其中有些人也确实由于在低地国家①服役和在其它战场上作战,而赢得了军人的头衔和高傲。

    Some of them , indeed , by their services in the Low Countries and on other fields of European warfare , had fairly won their title to assume the name and pomp of soldiership .

  12. 它们预测,欧洲地区海平面上升的步伐将比上个十几块二到四倍这将成为低地国家的一大严重威胁,例如荷兰,其一半的人口生活在低于海平面的低地上。

    They forecast that sea levels in Europe would rise at a pace more than two-to-four times faster than the rise seen in the last century & a threat to low-lying countries such as the netherlands , where half the population lives below sea level .

  13. 荷兰是一个低地的国家。

    The Netherlands is a lowlying country .

  14. 指相对而言的低地或者平地国家。

    Of relatively low or level country .

  15. 苏北低地涝灾研究低地国家钟琴初探

    A research on the waterlogging disasters in the lowlands of North Jiangsu