
  1. 无线资源管理对低轨卫星移动通信而言,是提高信号质量,满足QoS要求的重要保障,无线资源管理算法的优劣直接影响到系统容量和网络覆盖。

    For LEO satellite mobile communication system , Radio Resource Management is the important guarantee to improve the signal quality and meet the QoS requirement .

  2. 低轨卫星移动通信中扩频S-ALOHA协议吞吐性能分析

    On the Throughput Performance of Spread Spectrum S ALOHA for LEO Satellite Mobile Communication

  3. 随着个人通信的发展,低轨卫星移动通信系统(LEOMSS)对于未来移动通信系统的发展变得越来越重要。

    With the development of personal communication , Low Earth Orbit Mobile Satellite communication System ( LEO MSS ) is becoming more and more important to the development of the future mobile communication system .

  4. 传统的地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星通信已不能满足市场的需求,低轨卫星移动通信系统由于其传播时延短、链路传播损耗小等优点,越来越受到人们的重视。

    Traditional geostationary orbit ( GEO ) satellite communication has been unable to meet the demand of the market , LEO satellite mobile communications system attracts increasing attention because of its short propagation delay and small transmission loss .

  5. 低轨卫星移动通信系统馈电链路切换方案

    Feeder Link Handover Schemes of Low Earth Orbit Satellite Mobile Systems

  6. 实时低轨卫星移动通信信道模拟器设计

    Real Time Simulator of Low Earth Mobile Satellite Communication Channel

  7. ·测试低轨卫星移动通信信道模拟器的硬件性能。

    · Test the specification of the LEO satellite communication channel simulator .

  8. 低轨卫星移动通信的关键技术和应用

    The key technologies and application of low orbit satellite mobile communication system

  9. 低轨卫星移动通信系统场强概率分布模型的研究

    Study on Probability Distribution Models of Field Strength in LEO Mobile Satellite Communication System

  10. 低轨卫星移动通信系统接入方案

    Access Schemes for LEO Satellite Mobile Communication Systems

  11. 针对具有点波束的低轨卫星移动通信系统,提出了一种信道动态预留策略。

    A dynamic channel reserve strategy for LEO communication system with spot-beam is proposed .

  12. 低轨卫星移动通信系统自从提出以来就成为全球移动通信系统的一个重要分支。

    LEO satellite mobile communication system has become an important branch of global mobile communications system since it proposed .

  13. 位置管理技术作为低轨卫星移动通信系统的一项关键技术,关系着整个网络的性能。

    An important aspect of the LEO satellite network is to manage the location of both users and satellites .

  14. 低轨卫星移动通信系统由于其较低的传输时延和较低的终端要求已经成为当前通信领域中发展非常迅速的研究方向和现代化通信强有力的手段之一。

    Satellite mobile communication system has become one of the galloping communication research fields and a useful means of modern communication .

  15. 这些都将为下一步在硬件平台上实现低轨卫星移动通信信道模拟器奠定了基础。

    All these will afford more detailed theoretical basis for further studying and simulating low-orbit satellite mobile channels simulator in the hardware platform .

  16. 本文通过对比地面移动通信系统和低轨卫星移动通信系统,为低轨卫星通信系统设计了一种呼叫接入控制策略。

    This paper compares the ground mobile communication system and LEO satellite mobile communication system , then designs a CAC for LEO satellite communication system .

  17. 为实现话音、定位通信,支持手持机,采用中轨卫星移动通信系统或低轨卫星移动通信系统最为合适。

    If the system can support portable phone with auditory and positioning communication , it is appropriate to use the moderate-orbit and low-orbit satellite mobile communication systems .

  18. 为了提高移动通信系统的容量和效率、实现全球无缝覆盖,必须实现低轨卫星移动通信系统与地面通信系统之间的有机综合。

    It is necessary to integrate the LEO satellite communication systems and terrestrial mobile communication systems for improving the capacity and efficiency , achieving global seamless coverage .

  19. 随着构建全球移动通信系统的提出,低轨卫星移动通信系统以自身传播损耗少、传播延时小以及发射功率小等优点正在飞速的发展。

    With the construction of the proposed global mobile communications systems , LEO satellite mobile communication system on its own low propagation loss , small propagation delay and small transmit power is developing .

  20. 针对低轨卫星移动通信系统用户在多星覆盖的情况下的位置注册问题,提出了仰角和覆盖时间加权策略。

    In LEO satellite network , MTs are always covered by more than one satellite simultaneously . A satellite selection strategy for the MT to register its location is presented in this paper .

  21. 其中,由于低轨卫星移动通信系统的卫星轨道高度低,具有通信时延短,链路损耗小、组网灵活等特点,发展前景非常广阔。

    Among kinds of satellite communication systems , the LEO satellite communication system has very wide prosperity because its orbit is low and it has less communication delay , less path loss and flexible network organization .

  22. ·考虑多径和阴影衰落、多普勒频移、传播噪声和自由空间损耗等因素,建立低轨卫星移动通信的信道传输模型;研究理论模型各部分的实现技术。

    · Considering the doppler frequency offset , transmission noise and free space loss , we build the channel model of LEO satellite communication system and study the realization techniques of each part of theoretical model .

  23. 介绍了低轨卫星移动通信的应用和发展,分析了该通信的关键技术,并针对这些技术探讨了适用于低轨卫星移动通信的可行方案。

    This paper introduces the application and development of low orbit satellite mobile communication system , and analyzes the key technologies of this system . This paper also discusses the feasible scheme that fits system based on those key technologies .

  24. 低轨卫星移动通信技术是实现通信全球化、个人化和宽带化的重要手段,利用小卫星是突破这一技术面临的诸多瓶颈的重要手段之一。

    With the understanding view that the LEO satellite system is the important means to achieve the goal of global and personal communication , the small satellite has been regarded as one of the important ways to make breakthrough for the bottlenecks in the field .

  25. 此外,将信道预留与新的到达业务排队策略相结合,可以进一步提高低地球轨卫星移动通信系统的整体性能。

    Moreover , the queuing of the new traffic has been taken to improve the performance of the whole LEO satellite communication system .

  26. 近年来低轨小卫星移动通信技术引起人们广泛关注。

    There are intense attentions having been payed on the LEO small satellite mobile communication system in the research filed of satellite communication technologies in recent years .

  27. 低轨宽带卫星移动通信系统将随时随地为各种接入用户终端提供宽带服务,成为空天地一体化信息网络的重要组成部分。

    The broadband LEO satellite mobile communication system will play an important role in providing services to mobile terminal user anytime and anywhere , which becomes a significant component of the air-space-ground integrated information network .

  28. 利用低轨卫星星座的移动通信系统

    Mobile Communication System Using a Constellation of Low Earth Orbit Satellites

  29. 低轨卫星是未来卫星通信发展的趋势,低轨卫星星座CDMA移动通信系统是卫星通信和地面移动通信发展的结晶。

    The small LEO satellite communication is the trend of satellite communications . The mobile LEO small satellite CDMA communication is the joint result of satellite communications and land mobile communications .