
  • 网络He Wenna;Vianna
  1. 何雯娜,蹦床运动员,是我最喜欢的女运动员。

    He Wenna , a trampoline athlete , is my favorite sportswoman .

  2. 女子蹦床金牌被中国的何雯娜获得。

    The inaugural trampoline ( women 's ) gold was won by China 's He Weina .

  3. 著名女子蹦床选手何雯娜在北京奥运会夺得金牌,在伦敦奥运会夺得铜牌。

    Famous trampoline athlete He Wenna has one gold medal and one bronze medal from the Beijing and London Olympics .

  4. 中国选手何雯娜为中国赢得了第一块奥运会蹦床金牌。

    China 's He Wenna won the first Olympic trampoline gold medal for her country before overjoyed home fans here on Monday .

  5. 北京奥运会上,中国小将何雯娜赢得了中国蹦床项目上的第一枚奥运金牌。

    China 's He Wenna won the gold medal in the women 's trampoline , this is the first gold for China in trampoline at Olympic Games .

  6. “我本来想绕场一周去庆祝,但是我还是决定在蹦床上跳起庆祝更有意义,”满脸笑容的何雯娜赛后说。

    " I had thought of running in a big circle to celebrate , but I decided it 's more meaningful to jump onto the trampoline net to cheer ," said an all-smile He .

  7. 继她的队友黄珊汕,2004年雅典奥运会赢得中国首枚蹦床铜牌后,本届比赛没有能够进入决赛,何雯娜这次以预赛第一名进入决赛。

    He entered the final in first place , after her teammate Huang Shanshan , who won China 's first trampoline medal , a bronze , in the Athens Olympic in2004 , failed to make the final .