
  • 网络Buddhist Studies
  1. 香港大学佛学研究中心及香港大学美术博物馆联合举办「寻找一棵菩提树:奚淞绘画」展览,这是台湾画家奚淞的作品首次在港展出。

    The Centre of Buddhist Studies and the University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong will jointly present the first exhibition in Hong Kong of paintings by Shi Song .

  2. 随后,法王和锡金总理共同揭开了计划兴建高等佛学研究院的碑文。

    Later , H.H.and the Chief Minister of Sikkim unveiled a plaque of the proposed SNCC Faculty of Higher Buddhist Studies . H.H.

  3. 近代中国佛学研究事业的兴起与日本

    The Rise of Buddhism Study in Modern China and the Influence From Japan

  4. 一九九四年协助奥克兰大学成立佛学研究社。

    In 1994 , we assisted in the formation of the Buddhist Research Centre at the University of Auckland .

  5. 20世纪初,梁启超在佛学研究中开始注意到佛教文体对中国小说的影响;

    At the early 20th century , Liang QiChao began to notice the Buddhist text 's influence on the Chinese novels .

  6. 佛经目录在中国目录学史上有着极其重要的地位,对佛学研究亦有重要意义。

    The Buddhist Sutra catalogues are of great importance both on the history of Chinese bibliography and the study about Buddhist philosophy .

  7. 南北朝时期,佛学研究广泛而深入,形成师说纷起局面。

    In the Period of Wei-Jin and Northern-Southern Dynasties , with the wide and deep study of Buddhism , kinds of schools were formed .

  8. 本研究之目标是建立中文辞汇自动分析技术、整理,进而支援建立一个佛学研究的数位工作环境与平台。

    This project aims to support the construction of a research platform and environment that will be convenient for Buddhist scholars to work on specific subjects .

  9. 佛教的复兴、佛学研究的兴盛,是近代中国社会和学术史上一个非常重要的历史和学术现象。

    The revival of Buddhism , together with the prosperity of study in Theory of Buddhism , is the significant historical and academic phenomenon in the modern Chinese society and academic history .

  10. 近年来,中国的佛学研究愈加繁荣,其中对佛教宗派的研究也引人注目,包括禅宗,涌现出一批优秀的成果。

    In recent years , the Chinese Buddhist research become more prosperous , with a number of outstanding achievements emerging . And , the study of Buddhism sect is striking , such like Zen .

  11. 佛教的传播和佛经从抄写、石刻、雕版印刷均已成为中国古代文化发展的一个组成部分,在保存了我国古代文化典籍的同时,也为后代的佛学研究提供了丰富的资料。

    The spread of Buddhism and the publichity of Buddhist scriptures by transcibing , stone inscribing and carved printing reflects the course of development the Chinese culture undergoes and it also provides a rich source of materials for the study of Buddhism by succeeding scholars .

  12. 紫柏大师的佛学思想研究

    An Inquiry into the Buddhist Thoughts of Master Tzu-po Chen-k'o

  13. 龚自珍的佛学思想研究

    Study of Gong Zizhen 's Buddhist Philosophical Thought

  14. 他对佛学的研究主要集中在从戊戌变法到辛亥革命和从欧洲回来到逝世这两段时间内。

    His study of Buddhism focused on the period from the Reform Movement to the Revolution of 1911 and the period he came back from Europe to his death .

  15. 他对佛学的研究是他思想发展的一个高峰,在此基础上,逐步形成了独具特色的应用佛学体系。

    His study of Buddhism was a peak during the whole period in the development of his thought , on this basis , a unique application of Buddhist system was gradually formed and developed .

  16. 精神分析与佛学的比较研究

    A Compared Research of Psychoanalysis and Buddhism

  17. 本论文是从法学领域之法理学的视角研究正法律的思想内容和理论体系的尝试,属于法学与佛学的交叉研究的一部分。

    The thesis , which belongs to a part of the intersecting study between the law and Buddhism , attempts to research on its thinking and theories of the Right Dharma and Vinaya from the perspective of the field of the science of law .

  18. 论佛学与文学比较研究中文学性的坚持

    On Adherence to Literariness in Comparative Study about Buddism and Chinese Literature