
  • 网络florida strait;Strait of Florida
  1. 而佛罗里达海峡非常,非常暖和。

    And the Florida straits are very , very warm .

  2. 那么当其再度出现在佛罗里达海峡和潜在的墨西哥湾它到底会变得如何。

    So what shape it will be in when it reemerges in the Florida Straits and potentially the Gulf of Mexico .

  3. 我是海峡,就像在古巴和美国之间的佛罗里达海峡。

    I 'm a strait like the Straits of Florida between Cuba and the United States .

  4. 黛安娜·尼亚德在本月初横渡了佛罗里达海峡,创造了历史。

    AZUZ : Diana Nyad made history early this month when she swam across the Straits of Florida .

  5. 他认为,古巴与美国地理位置上的接近——佛罗里达海峡的90英里——是一个加分项。

    He believes Cuba 's proximity - 90 miles across the Straits of Florida - is a plus .

  6. 耐力运动员戴安娜·纳亚德再次尝试游泳横渡佛罗里达海峡,从古巴抵达基韦斯特。

    Endurance athlete Diana Nyad is once again trying to swim the Florida strait from Cuba to Key West .

  7. 耐力运动员戴安娜·纳亚德尝试横渡佛罗里达海峡,从古巴游到佛罗里达,她的挑战已经进行到第二天,她已经游过了大半段路程。

    Endurance athlete Diana Nyad is more than half way across the Florida strait on the second day of swim from Cuba to Florida .

  8. 但如果卡斯特罗政权的更迭造成混乱,会有大批古巴人游过佛罗里达海峡,逃往美国。不论什么措施,只要能够降低这种情况发生的可能性,都是明智的。

    But any measure that reduces the possibility of Cubans streaming across the Florida Straits in the event of a chaotic transition from the Castro regime is sensible .

  9. 整个气旋正在旋转出加勒比海,正在向佛罗里达海峡移动。佛罗里达海峡非常温暖。这股暖流将决定这个气旋会不会继续发展。

    This whole thing has been spinning out of the Caribbean and on up into the straits of Florida.And the Florida straits are very , very warm . It 's this warm water is going to be the key to whether this thing can develop anymore or not .