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  1. 佛教艺术发源于公元前6至前5世纪左右,历史上的释迦牟尼佛陀涅盘之后的印度次大陆。

    The Buddhist art was originated from around6th century BC to5th century BC after Sakyamuni Buddha 's nirvana in the subcontinent of India .

  2. 在法句经中佛陀说涅盘是“最高的幸福”。

    The Buddha in the Dhammapada says of nirvana that it is " the highest happiness " .

  3. 一些流行的不准确的措辞像“佛陀进入涅盘表达或他去世后进入涅盘”'已引起许多关于涅盘的猜想。

    Some popular inaccurately phrased expression_rs like'The Buddha entered into Nirvana or Parinirvana after his death'have given rise to many imaginary speculations about Nirvana .

  4. 佛陀把涅盘解释为“先天的”精神(极乐世界),一个心灵已经达到了完美的洞察力和清晰而意识的构成已停止运作。

    The Buddha explains nirvana as " the unconditioned "( asankhata ) mind , a mind that has come to a point of perfect lucidity and clarity due to the cessation of the production of volitional formations .