
  • 网络you people
  1. 我真讨厌你们这些人又到我这里来了。

    I 'm tired of all you people in my house .

  2. 你们这些人简直是一群无情的官僚。

    You people are a bunch of heartless bureaucratic goons .

  3. 我不会让你们这些人败坏我的名声。

    I will not have the likes of you dragging down my reputation .

  4. 你们这些人简直是有毛病。

    You guys are nuts

  5. 你们这些人很会开玩笑啊?

    You guys get a lot of jokes about this thing ?

  6. 你们这些人逃脱了比这更临近死亡的情况。

    You guys have escaped situations more dire than this before .

  7. 你们这些人是怎么搞的&是在吃夜宵,招待女朋友?

    What are you guys doing-having a supper and ladies night ?

  8. 你们这些人是不是个有组织的政治团体或是别的什么?

    Are you guys like an organised political movement or something ?

  9. 没有苏打了,你们这些人真是玩疯了。

    No , no more soda , you guys are crazy .

  10. 你们这些人呐,早就知道我们的促销活动结束了。

    You of all people know that we discontinued that promotion .

  11. 我想要你们这些人都出去。

    I want all of you women out of my house .

  12. 我已经听厌了你们这些人的神侃了。

    I 'm tired of you guy 's chin music .

  13. 这些就是你们这些人会做得?

    Is this all you guys know how to do ?

  14. 让我告诉你们这些人黄金周的活动安排。

    Let me tell what these people will do during golden week .

  15. 你们这些人就不能稍稍多替别人想想?

    Can 't you fellows show a bit more consideration ?

  16. 不知道你们这些人从那个乡下来的。

    Don 't know which boyscout you guys are from .

  17. 你们这些人在耍诡计,而你在虚张声势。

    You people are playing poker and you are bluffing .

  18. 老天,你们这些人讲话卑鄙的还这么斯文

    God , even when you guys are nasty it sounds polite .

  19. 他永远也配不上你们这些人

    he will never be good enough for you people .

  20. 你们这些人一天到晚像老母鸡一样想入非非。

    You boys are as crotchety as a couple of old hens .

  21. 让你们这些人都第四节把我换下?

    Y'all Taking me out in the 4th now huh ?

  22. 你们这些人,你们都干了什么?

    You of all people , for what you suffered ?

  23. 因为监狱里再也容不下你们这些人了。

    Because there was no room to put you in .

  24. 不过你们这些人可给我带来了坏影响。

    But you people are a bad influence on me .

  25. 你们这些人总是装做清楚真相。

    You guys are always pretending to know the truth .

  26. 你们这些人应该明白。

    You , of all people , should understand .

  27. 你们这些人怎么就不觉得难受?

    How do you people not make yourselves sick ?

  28. 你们这些人能不能别再挡道了?

    Will you people stop getting in the way ?

  29. 你们这些人什么时候才能不来骚扰我?

    When are you guys gonna stop hassling me ?

  30. 看来你们这些人忘了我是孩子的父亲。

    You people seem to forget that I 'm the boy 's father .