
  • 网络UWSA;United Wa State Army;USWA;United Wa State Army, UWSA
  1. 最大的民族停火团体,包括佤邦联合军和克钦独立组织,都拒绝了政府的建议。

    The largest ethnic ceasefire groups , including the United Wa State Army and the Kachin Independence Organization , have all rejected the junta 's proposal .

  2. 与此同时,军方人士说,从三角军区的一些景栋营已部署接近的佤邦联合军控制的地区。谷歌翻译。

    Meanwhile , military sources said that some battalions from Triangle Area Command based in Kengtung have been deployed close to areas controlled by the United Wa State Army .

  3. 上述邦一些城镇能举办选举,但在其他乡镇地区,尤其是佤邦联合军控制地区,无处可设立投票站。

    Some towns could host elections but in others , especially areas controlled by the United Wa State Army ( UWSA ), there was nowhere to set up polling booths , it said .

  4. 内比都希望佤邦联合党向军政府的选举监督机构联邦选举委员会登记参选,但受到佤邦联合党拒绝。

    Naypyidaw wanted the UWSP to register with the junta 's electoral watchdog , the Union Election Commission , and stand in the elections but the party had refused , observers said .