
  • 网络Pace university;Lubin
  1. 在70年代的时候,我很迷中国功夫。美国佩斯大学(PaceUniversity)41岁的网页开发员蕾切尔•克林贝格(RachelKlingberg)谈起了她儿时对武术的喜爱。

    ' I was a big fan of Kung Fu movies in the 1970s , ' says Rachel Klingberg , a 41-year-old Pace University Web developer , about her early interest in martial arts .

  2. 她的妈妈玛丽亚•格利克曼(MariaGlickman)小时候在纽约长大,上的是天主教学校,是家里第一个上大学的,每天在家和纽约佩斯大学(PaceUniversity)之间往返。

    Maria Glickman , Jennifer 's mother , grew up in New York , attended Catholic school and was the first in her family to go to college , commuting to New York 's Pace University . 'I loved high school .

  3. DarrenHayes是纽约佩斯大学计算机信息系统项目负责人,他说,许多欧洲和亚洲国家已经实施了网络隐私法。

    Darren Hayes is head of the Computer Information Systems Program at Pace University in New York . He says many countries in Europe and Asia already have online privacy laws in place .

  4. 师生和市民们在纽约佩斯大学孔子学院品尝中国传统美食。

    Teachers , students and local residents enjoy traditional Chinese cuisines in the Confucius Institute at New York 's Pace University .

  5. 美国佩斯大学的传播学助理教授艾米丽萨斯洛博士告诉该报:“天然的‘八重齿’是因为乳牙延迟脱落或者嘴巴太小。而虎牙凸现了少女的朝气和女性特征。”

    Pace University 's Dr Emilie Zaslow , assistant professor of communication studies , told the newspaper : " The naturally occurring yaeba is because of delayed baby teeth , or a mouth that 's too small . " It 's this kind of emphasis on youth and the sexualization of young girls . "

  6. 格罗佩斯去了哈佛大学,范德罗厄去了伊利诺斯理工学院。

    Gropius went to Harvard , van der Rohe to the Illinois Institute of Technology .