
kǎn kǎn
  • To make a speech;with assurance and composure
侃侃 [kǎn kǎn]
  • [openly and without sense of guilt;with fervor and assurance] 形容说话理直气壮,不慌不忙

  • 侃侃而谈

  • 朝,与下大夫言,侃侃如也。--《论语.乡党》

  1. 在你决定买东西以前最好侃侃价。

    You had better to haggle before you decide to buy anything .

  2. 你最好侃侃出纳是怎么做。

    You 'd better see the cashier about that .

  3. 或者侃侃那些有细小褶皱的衣袖吧。

    Or the sleeves with their small folds .

  4. 侃侃未来二十年的美国艺术

    American arts in the Future 20 Years

  5. 他决定去侃侃这幢房子,因为它非常值得去买。

    He 's decided to have a look at the house for it is well worth buying .

  6. 2010年就快过去了,2011就要来到。大家来侃侃新年愿望吧。

    2010 will soon be passed and2011 is coming . So , What are your New Year wishes ?

  7. 要想成为一个好的侃侃健谈的口才者,要用语言引起别人的兴趣,增加彼此的思维兴趣和懂得欣尝。

    Being a good conversationalist requires interest in other people , creative thinking , and knowing what 's appropriate .

  8. 客服人员可以聚在聊天室里,无所不谈,侃侃工作和生活,甚至还分享菜谱和孩子的照片。

    Call center agents can mingle in chat rooms to gossip about work and life , sharing everything from recipes to baby pictures .

  9. 人们就工作、家庭、新闻、天气、爱好等聊聊天,侃侃大山,交换一些奇闻轶事。

    They chew the fat , shoot the breeze and swap anecdotes about random subjects : work , family , news , weather , hobbies , etc.
