
zhēn chá yuán
  • scout;investigator;reconnaissance scout;scout and reconnaissance agent
侦察员 [zhēn chá yuán]
  • [scout] 直接担负侦察任务的人员的统称

  1. 侦察员单枪匹马深入敌后。

    The scout single-handedly penetrated behind the enemy 's rear lines .

  2. 她想或许侦察员还会来联系。

    She thought perhaps the Scout would still come to contact .

  3. 侦察员提防着敌人的巡逻队。

    The scouts are watching out for enemy patrols .

  4. 当敌人的探照灯扫过江面时,那两名泅水过江的侦察员设法躲在水下。

    The two scouts , swimming across the river , managed to keep under as the enemy 's searchlight raked the surface .

  5. 这个侦察员力图弄清这一盗窃案的事实真象。

    The detective tried to ascertain the facts about the robbery .

  6. 侦察员偷偷地接近敌人的阵地。

    The scouts made a stealthy approach to the enemy position .

  7. 这样说着,她又转过去朝着那位侦察员。

    So saying , she turned to the inspector again : & .

  8. 侦察员在地上用棍子粗略地画出了一幅地图。

    The scout scratched a map in the dirt with a stick .

  9. 男侦察员们步行去了水库。

    The boy scouts hiked out to the reservoir .

  10. 侦察员;侦察机侦察兵在夜晚的时候出去。

    scout The scouts went out during the night .

  11. 侦察员用左手对着敌人的哨兵一拳打过去。

    The scout let drive at the enemy sentry with his left first .

  12. 侦察员们把帐蓬固定在地上。

    The scouts anchored the tent to the ground .

  13. 侦察员报告出现敌机。

    Scouts reported the presence of enemy planes .

  14. 侦察员正在树林中搜索。

    The scout was searching through the woods .

  15. “侦察员沙威,”冉阿让说,“再答应我一件事吧。”

    " Inspector Javert ," said Jean ," grant me yet another favor . "

  16. 侦察员向目的地疾驰而去。

    The scout spurred on to the destination .

  17. 侦察员扮作一个商人。

    The scout disguised himself as a merchant .

  18. 让我们和侦察员在一起。

    Let 's get a recon crew together .

  19. 这位侦察员机智勇敢,善于随机应变。

    This scout is brave and resourceful , able to cope with unexpected conditions .

  20. 侦察员接受发信号的训练。

    The scouts were instructed in signaling .

  21. 一位参观者问希拉?马丁,为什么她认为妇女愿意做情报侦察员。

    A visitor asked missus Martin why she thought women would work as intelligence agents .

  22. 他又看了侦察员一眼。

    He glanced at his spotter again .

  23. 他们有着极佳的格斗技巧,并且是很好的侦察员和传令兵。

    They could do their share of fighting and they made good scouts and messengers .

  24. 提到这号数时,侦察员抬起头,冷冷地说

    At the sound of this number , the inspector raised his head , and said coldly

  25. 该公司有一个“侦察员”网络专门负责监视新的创意。

    The company has a network of " scouts " on the look-out for new ideas .

  26. 美国南达科他州,一只名叫侦察员的狮子狗正在进行哨声命令和找回猎物的训练。

    A hunting poodle named Scout practices following whistle commands and retrieving in Freeman , S. D.

  27. 马吕斯从背心口袋里掏出他的钥匙,递了给侦察员,说

    Marius took his key from his waistcoat pocket , handed it to the inspector and added

  28. 指挥员命令侦察员收集有关敌军调动的详细情报。

    The commander ordered the scouts to get in detailed information about the enemy 's movements .

  29. 他不就是那个对我说过叫沙威的警务侦察员吗?

    Is not that the inspector of police who told me that his name was Javert ?

  30. 他是我派出的侦察员。

    He was my Recon pilot .