
cè ěr qīnɡ tīnɡ
  • 熟语listen attentively;be all ears;prick up sb.'s ears;strain sb.'s ears
  1. 有时候,人们只是需要有人来执手支持,有人来侧耳倾听,有人来读懂心声。

    Sometimes all they need is a hand to hold , an ear to listen , and a heart to understand .

  2. 他有杰出的天赋,懂得如何侧耳倾听我的特殊请求。

    He knew how to listen loudly to my special plea .

  3. 我侧耳倾听,你却不在近旁。

    I 've tried to hear , you 're not near .

  4. 我儿,你要注意我的训言,侧耳倾听我的教导;

    My son , be attentive and listen carefully to my words .

  5. 当他们开始谈论他时,他侧耳倾听。

    He pricked up his ears when they started to talk about him .

  6. 我侧耳倾听,没有脚声。

    I listened attentively , but heard no footsteps .

  7. 她坐著,侧耳倾听。

    She sit listening , with her head tilt slightly to one side .

  8. 约翰谈到了马戏团,男孩们全都侧耳倾听。

    When John told about the circus , the boys were all ears .

  9. 人在被叫到自己的名字时,通常要侧耳倾听。

    One usually pricks up one 's ears when his name is called .

  10. 它们必须侧耳倾听,等待时机。

    Then it 's wait and listen .

  11. 侧耳倾听,并且轻拍他的手背。

    Listen , and pat his hand .

  12. 他侧耳倾听,连极细微的声音也不放过。

    He listened for the slightest sound .

  13. 例:安妮可能随时来到,我们大家都在侧耳倾听她的脚步声。

    Annie will come in any moment ; we are all listening for her footsteps .

  14. 我蜷缩在桶里,哆哆嗦嗦地侧耳倾听,恐惧和好奇都达到了极点。

    But lay there , trembling and listening , in the extreme of fear and curiosity ;

  15. 马上惊醒,侧耳倾听,到头来发现似乎只是门开的声音而已。

    Alert , you keep listening , until it sounds like a door is being opened .

  16. 艾莉亚在门边侧耳倾听,直到听见修女渐行渐远的脚步声。

    Arya listened at the door until she heard the sound of the septa 's receding footsteps .

  17. 我们站在门外侧耳倾听他的说话声,但一点也听不到。

    We stood without the gate and listened for the sound of his voice , but in vain .

  18. 慈善的形式有很多,可以是展露微笑,侧耳倾听或者伸出援手。

    Charity can be in the form of a smile , lending an ear or a helping hand .

  19. 当我跺着脚取暖时,一个冷战传遍全身。然后我侧耳倾听,判断是否有动物活动。

    A shiver runs through me as I stomp my feet for warmth and then listen again for any sign of life .

  20. 哈利在隐形衣下停住脚步,左右张望,侧耳倾听,母亲、父亲、卢平和小天狼星也停下了。

    Harry stopped under the Cloak , peering around , listening , and his mother and father , Lupin and Sirius stopped too .

  21. 嘘,如果你侧耳倾听,或许还能听到郁闷的海岸边,波澜不惊的死水正在轻轻拍岸。

    Shhh , if you listen quietly enough you might even hear the gentle waves of the dead pool lapping up along the shores of sorrow .

  22. 她侧耳倾听楼上的声音,可是整个屋子静悄悄,静得连她自己的呼吸也似乎响亮起来。

    Her ears strained for sounds from upstairs , but the house was oddly still , so still that even the sound of her breathing seemed loud .

  23. 6月9日,华尔街日报侧耳倾听了一番后发表说“中国巨大的房产泡沫也许正在爆破”。

    On June 9th the Wall Street Journal put its ear to the ground and declared that " the great property bubble of China may be popping . "

  24. 你曾花时间侧耳倾听过鸟儿婉转、风吹林梢或蟋蟀鸣唱吗?

    Have you ever taken time to listen to the song of the birds , the trees ' rustling in the wind or the music of the crickets ?

  25. 当我最后一次在湿地漫步,坐在柏树桩上休憩,侧耳倾听,我听到奥斯西奥拉之灵在哭泣。

    And the last time I walked in the swamp , I sat upon a Cypress stump , I listened close and I heard the ghost , Of Osceola cry .

  26. 有时候你可以跟官员讨价还价、唠叨抱怨,这让人马上想起封建帝王时代的这样一幅图景:地方官员侧耳倾听农民的抱怨,承诺自己将亲自处理。

    The image evoked is that of a local magistrate in imperial times , bending an ear to a peasants complaint and promising to take matters into his own hands .

  27. 侧耳倾听,你会发现他声音的轻重、嗓音的特质以及音乐般的语调总是随着所讲内容的改变而改变。

    Listen to him , and you will hear the loudness , the quality and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about .

  28. 他侧耳倾听,想听听有没有什么声音传来。每次浮出浪峰时,他的目光就向地平线上搜索一下,努力透过黑暗望出去。

    He listened for any sound that might be audible , and every time that he rose to the top of a wave he scanned the horizon , and strove to penetrate the darkness .

  29. 他端坐在那时侧耳倾听有没有母亲的动静时,常常会突然跳起来,笨拙地走出门去,一直走到墓地。

    Every now and then , after he 's sat still with his ear cocked listening for her , he jumps up suddenly and stumps out of the house and down to the burying ground .

  30. 君王啊,你们要听;官长啊,你们要侧耳倾听;至于我,我要向耶和华歌唱;我要歌颂耶和华以色列的神。

    Hear , O ye kings ; give ear , O ye princes ; I , even I , will sing unto the lord ; I will sing praise to the LORD God of israel .