
  1. 据中兴称,侯为贵退休是在1月10日公布的,当时在递交给港交所(HongKongStockexchange)的一份监管申报文件中,他的名字没有出现在董事会成员名单中。

    Mr Hou 's retirement was revealed on January 10 , when his name was absent from a list of board members in a filing made to the Hong Kong Stock exchange , according to the company .

  2. 中国电信设备制造商中兴(ZTE)今日将调整管理层,包括任命一位新的董事长来替换创始人侯为贵。

    ZTE , the Chinese telecommunications infrastructure company , will reshuffle its management today , including naming a new chairman to replace founder Hou Weigui .

  3. 中兴拒绝透露将替换几名高管,但证实董事长和创始人侯为贵将退休——尽管否认这与上月的事态相关。

    The company declined to say how many executives would be replaced but confirmed chairman and founder Mr Hou would be retiring - though denied that was linked to last month 's events .